
"it's about time" in Spanish

"it's about time" in English
it's about time they got themselves organized
ya va siendo hora de que se organicen
it's about time you got a job
ya va siendo hora de que empieces a trabajar

Similar translations for "it's about time" in Spanish
Context examples for "it's about time" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Each nation’ s needs are different and it is about time the EU took that on board.
Las necesidades de cada nación son diferentes y ya es hora de que la UE lo asuma.
It is about time that we in this House said that we have had enough of it all.
Es tiempo de que en esta Cámara digamos que ya hemos tenido bastante de todo eso.
It is about time, therefore, that all the necessary conclusions were drawn from this.
Ya es hora, pues, de que se extraigan todas las conclusiones necesarias de ello.
This has come up over and over again and it is about time action was taken.
Esta situación se ha planteado una y otra vez y ya es hora de que hagamos algo.
Surely it is about time the peoples of Europe took hold of their destiny?
En efecto, ¿no es hora ya de que los pueblos de Europa asuman su propio destino?
I think that it is about time that the Commission implemented this article.
Pienso que ha llegado el momento de que la Comisión aplique dicho artículo.
It is about time we put exploitation, extraction, etcetera on the agenda.
Ya es hora de que pongamos la explotación, la extracción, etc. en el orden del día.
It is about time we stood up and really started to act rather than just talk.
Ya es hora de nos pongamos en pie y empecemos a actuar en lugar de limitarnos a hablar.
It is about time the Members of this House grasped this at long last.
Ya va siendo hora de que por fin los diputados de esta Cámara se den cuenta.
It is about time we were honest with ourselves and admitted that.
Ha llegado el momento de ser sinceros con nosotros mismos y admitir este hecho.
If we are going to tackle climate change, it is about time we put our own house in order.
Si vamos a encargarnos del problema del cambio climático, deberíamos aplicarnos el cuento.
It really is about time that the representatives of the Council took note of that fact!
¡A ver si toman nota por fin de ello los representantes del Consejo!
I listened with great interest to what the Commissioner said about time spent on remand.
Escuché con mucho interés lo que dijo el Comisario en relación con los tiempos de detención.
We all agree that it is about time to support the activities of the democratic force in Belarus.
Nuestra prioridad fundamental debería ser facilitar una votación libre y democrática.
It is about time a general overhaul of public transport was carried out.
Ya va siendo hora de que se lleve a cabo una revisión general a fondo del transporte público.
It was about time the European Parliament ended its silence on the Tunisian uprising.
Ya era hora de que el Parlamento Europeo finalizase su silencio en torno a la rebelión tunecina.
It is about time older people had the same rights as everyone else.
Ya es hora de que las personas mayores tengan los mismos derechos que el resto del mundo.
Much has already been said in relation to enlargement about time scales, dates and annual figures.
Se ha hablado mucho acerca de calendarios, fechas y años en relación con la ampliación.
It is about time this trend was reversed, hence I abstained on this report.
Ya va siendo hora de que esta tendencia se revierta y, por lo tanto, me he abstenido en este informe.
It is therefore about time we swept our own front doorstep clean.
Por eso ha llegado la hora de limpiar frente a nuestra propia puerta.