
"tránsito pesado" in English

"tránsito pesado" in English

Context examples for "tránsito pesado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para ello bastaría establecer una prohibición del tráfico pesado en tránsito.
All we need is a ban on transiting heavy goods traffic.
Para disminuir la contaminación atmosférica y acústica causada por el TIR la solución consistirá en desplazar a las carreteras todo el tráfico pesado en tránsito.
The way to reduce the air and noise pollution caused by long-distance lorries would be to switch all heavy through traffic from road to rail.
En efecto, ello permitiría desplazar sin grandes problemas todo el tráfico pesado en tránsito al ferrocarril y al interior de la montaña y resolver así definitivamente el problema.
After all, it would not be too difficult to transfer all the through heavy goods traffic to rail and bring it through the mountain, thereby solving the problem once and for all.