
"to come to the fore" in Spanish

to come to the fore
pasar a primer plano
to come to the fore
pasar a primera plana

Similar translations for "to come to the fore" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "to come to the fore" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But, in any case, none of this discussion has come to the fore.
Pero, en cualquier caso, no hay nada en este debate que me parezca relevante.
That point has come to the fore in the part of the debate about safe third countries.
Eso ha saltado a un primer plano durante la fase del debate acerca de los terceros países seguros.
Their innovative capacity and their creativity are simply not able to come to the fore in the real world.
La capacidad de innovación y la creatividad no están a la altura de la realidad.
However, there is a third issue that has now come to the fore.
No obstante, hay una tercera cuestión que ha salido ahora a la palestra.
However, since the State of the Union address, a hard unilateralist line has come to the fore.
Ahora bien, después del discurso sobre el estado de la Unión, se impone una línea de unilateralismo total.
However, it has now become so militarised that humanitarian issues have now come to the fore.
No obstante, en este momento se ha militarizado tanto que es ahora cuando han surgido las cuestiones humanitarias.
Only in this way will NGOs representing different political groups and their views come to the fore.
Solo así saltarán a la palestra las ONG que representan a distintas corrientes políticas y sus puntos de vista.
(PL) Mr President, the debate on genetically modified organisms has come to the fore again in recent weeks.
(PL) Señor Presidente, el debate sobre los organismos genéticamente modificados ha vuelto a surgir en las últimas semanas.
We stress this fact at every given opportunity, yet unfortunately as soon as money is involved, nationalist sentiments come to the fore.
Lo difícil es obtener recursos para prevenir las catástrofes y prepararse para reaccionar ante ellas.
That is why this matter has come to the fore.
Por esto se ha planteado este asunto.
It is the combination of those three components which has also come to the fore in the conclusions of the European Council.
Es la combinación de esos tres componentes la que también ha saltado a un primer plano en las conclusiones del Consejo Europeo.
In order to help these insights come to the fore throughout Europe, 1996 was designated the European Year of Lifelong Learning.
Con el fin de extender estas nuevas ideas por toda Europa, se proclamó en 1996 el Año Europeo de la Educación y de la Formación Permanentes.
Following the industrial era we are entering a conceptual era where values, meaning and empathy will come to the fore.
Tras la era industrial estamos entrando en otra de carácter conceptual, en la que empezarán a cobrar fuerza los valores, el buen sentido y la empatía.
All these aspects will come to the fore even more in the coming years through the recently-reformed common agricultural policy.
Todos estos aspectos adquirirán una mayor relevancia a lo largo de los años venideros a través de la Política Agraria Común recientemente reformada.
The current method of funding the Community budget has become obsolete, and in recent years the shortcomings have come to the fore.
El método actual de financiación del presupuesto comunitario se ha quedado obsoleto, y en los últimos años han salido a la luz las deficiencias.
I fear not, as the principle of profitability will then automatically come to the fore, a principle directly opposed to that of public service.
Me temo que no, ya que veremos surgir los reflejos y coeficientes de rentabilización, principio que se opone al del servicio público.
to come to the fore
pasar a primera plana
to come to the fore
pasar a primer plano
We stress this fact at every given opportunity, yet unfortunately as soon as money is involved, nationalist sentiments come to the fore.
Lo remarcamos a cada oportunidad que tenemos pero, por desgracia, cuando se trata de dinero siempre salen a la luz los sentimientos nacionalistas.
The feelings against an untamed globalisation process, which are marked by a basic scepticism, will come to the fore during the negotiations.
En el curso de las negociaciones se manifestará un estado de ánimo marcado por el escepticismo frente a un proceso de globalización incontrolado.