
"to become heated" in Spanish

"to become heated" in Spanish

Context examples for "to become heated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The mood has become more heated and we have seen people protesting against this decision in the streets.
Los ánimos se han extremado y hemos visto a la gente manifestándose en la calle en contra de esta decisión.
The debate on this issue has recently become more heated because two new countries, Romania and Bulgaria, are in the process of joining the European Union.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario Š pidla, conciudadanos de la tribuna del público, Señorías.
It's particularly worthwhile if you regularly post about controversial subjects, where emotions can become heated.
Merece la pena especialmente si de forma regular publica entradas sobre temas controvertidos que puedan dar lugar a acaloradas discusiones.
It was therefore inevitable that the debate would become heated and even change in tone according to the different viewpoints of the Members.
Es inevitable, pues, que el debate sea agitado y hasta cambie de tono en función de las distintas sensibilidades de los diputados.
The debate on this issue has recently become more heated because two new countries, Romania and Bulgaria, are in the process of joining the European Union.
El debate sobre esta cuestión es más acalorado porque dos nuevos países, Rumania y Bulgaria están a punto de adherirse a la Unión Europea.
This is not the most opportune moment for it to focus on foreign policy and the interchanges between the different parties could become heated and exploitative.
El momento no es uno de los mejores para dedicarse a la política exterior y las acusaciones entre los distintos partidos pueden adquirir tonos encendidos y de instrumentalización.