
"to be out of tune" in Spanish

"to be out of tune" in Spanish
to be out of tune{intransitive verb}
desafinar{v.i.} (instrumento)
Madam President, I am sorry to be out of tune with the chorus of the politically correct.
Señora Presidenta, lamento ir a desafinar en el coro de los políticamente correctos.
Good old Europe; the symphony plays on, more out of tune than ever.
Querida Europa, la sinfonía se repite y cada vez está más desafinada.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, as the saying goes, there is no point shooting the pianist because the piano is out of tune.
Señora Presidenta, señoras y señores, un proverbio alemán dice que no tiene ningún sentido matar al pianista cuando el piano está desafinado.
desafinar{v.i.} (músico, cantante)
Madam President, I am sorry to be out of tune with the chorus of the politically correct.
Señora Presidenta, lamento ir a desafinar en el coro de los políticamente correctos.
Good old Europe; the symphony plays on, more out of tune than ever.
Querida Europa, la sinfonía se repite y cada vez está más desafinada.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, as the saying goes, there is no point shooting the pianist because the piano is out of tune.
Señora Presidenta, señoras y señores, un proverbio alemán dice que no tiene ningún sentido matar al pianista cuando el piano está desafinado.
to be out of tune{intransitive verb}

Context examples for "to be out of tune" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Such an aim is out of tune with the real purpose of agricultural support.
Ese planteamiento difiere totalmente del propósito real del apoyo a la agricultura.
This is a patronising and complacent attitude and one that is completely out of date and out of tune with where we are today.
Se trata de una actitud condescendiente y autocomplaciente y no refleja la situación en que nos hallamos.
There may have been times when our instruments were slightly out of tune, but we have worked extremely well together.
Quizá haya habido momentos en los que no supiéramos afinar los instrumentos para logra esa alianza armónica, pero, aún así, hemos trabajado extraordinariamente bien.
I make these remarks in response to the Cottigny report on restructuring and employment, which falls down precisely because it is out of tune with reality.
Hago estos comentarios en respuesta al informe Cottigny sobre reestructuración y empleo, que peca precisamente de no sintonizar con la realidad.
This situation now compels us to accept amendments tabled by Mr Salafranca, which are entirely out of tune with the spirit of the original report by my honourable colleague Mr Sacrédeus.
Esta situación nos obliga ahora a aceptar enmiendas presentadas por el Sr. Salafranca, que no tienen nada que ver con el espíritu del informe inicial de mi colega el Sr. Sacrédeus.