
"to admit to being" in Spanish

"to admit to being" in Spanish

Context examples for "to admit to being" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I do admit to being very puzzled by Europe's discretion in this debate.
Yo admito que estoy perplejo ante la discreción de Europa en este debate.
I would like to be able to add my voice to this almost unanimous choir, but I must admit to being perplexed.
Me gustaría poder añadir mi voz a este coro prácticamente unánime, pero debo admitir que estoy perplejo.
WE must admit that, being a new Member State, we are confronted with various difficulties in their specific implementation.
Hemos de admitir que, al ser un nuevo Estado miembro, nos enfrentamos a diversas dificultades en su aplicación específica.
In that regard, I admit to being very disappointed because the self-criticism goes no further than the sentence I just uttered.
A ese respecto, admito estar muy desilusionado, porque la autocrítica no va más allá de la frase que acabo de pronunciar.
However, I have to admit to being somewhat disappointed that the economies of scale that I had hoped for as a result of enlargement have not been evident.
Es una lástima, por tanto, que el Consejo no haya hecho hincapié suficiente en garantizar una mayor eficiencia.
I admit to being one of those who would have preferred to conclude at second reading.
También quiero agradecer muy especialmente a los cuatro ponentes la magnífica labor que han realizado.
Madam President, I must admit to being rather moved, for not even in this House is this amount of praise and appreciation to be reckoned with.
Señora Presidenta, tengo que admitir que me ha conmovido ante el enorme aprecio y los numerosos elogios con los que se me ha reconocido.
Ladies and gentlemen, I must admit to being somewhat puzzled by this, because I almost get the impression that the part-session finishes at 1.00 p. m. on Thursday.
Señorías, debo decirles que estoy un tanto perplejo de oírles, porque se tiene casi la impresión de que la sesión cesa el jueves a las 13.00 horas.
However, I have to admit to being somewhat disappointed that the economies of scale that I had hoped for as a result of enlargement have not been evident.
Sin embargo, he de admitir que me siento algo decepcionada por no haberse suscitado las economías de escala que yo había esperado surgieran a raíz de la ampliación.