
"thoughtful" in Spanish

reflexivo{adj. m}
Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Pérez Álvarez for an incisive and thoughtful report.
Pérez Álvarez por este perspicaz y reflexivo informe.
I thank him very much for the thoughtful and intelligent approach he took to the opening of this debate.
Le agradezco profundamente el planteamiento reflexivo e inteligente que ha adoptado para la apertura de este debate.
He has taught me and has been an excellent colleague, very thoughtful, critical and precise.
Me ha enseñado y ha sido un colega excelente, muy reflexivo, crítico y preciso.
reflexiva{adj. f}
No less a priority is education, likewise dialogue between different religions and cultures, and a measured and thoughtful look at the past.
Igualmente prioritaria es la educación, así como el diálogo entre las diferentes religiones y culturas, y una consideración mesurada y reflexiva del pasado.
I should like to thank Mr Byrne for his very comprehensive and thoughtful reply.
Quiero dar las gracias al Sr. Byrne por esta respuesta tan amplia y atenta.
In this light, we can understand how a thoughtful plan of pastoral
A la luz de esto se comprende cómo una atenta acción
I thank the Commissioner for that thoughtful answer.
Gracias, señor Comisario, por su atenta respuesta.
pensativo{adj. m}
The signals sent out from Brussels put me in a thoughtful frame of mind.
Las señales enviadas desde Bruselas me dejaron pensativa.
considerado{adj. m}
Mr President, I very much welcome this balanced and thoughtful report.
Señor Presidente, acojo con gran satisfacción este informe equilibrado y considerado.
Mr President, I very much welcome this balanced and thoughtful report.
(EN) Señor Presidente, acojo con gran satisfacción este informe equilibrado y considerado.
I would like to thank both the Commission for their very good document and also Mrs Schmidbauer for her very sensitive and thoughtful report.
Schmidhuber, por su sensible y considerado informe.
detallista{adj.} (atento)
you're not very thoughtful, you might have taken her some flowers
¡qué poco detallista eres! le podías haber llevado unas flores
solícito{adj.} (amable)
Nonetheless I congratulate the rapporteur on her thoughtful report.
No obstante, felicito a la ponente por su serio informe.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Fraga Estévez on a very thoughtful report.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar a la señora Fraga Estévez por un informe tan serio.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Fraga Estévez on a very thoughtful report.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar a la señora Fraga Estévez por un informe tan serio.
Democracy has provided freedom of thought, expression and movement.
La democracia ha proporcionado libertad de pensamiento, expresión y movimiento.
It is true that to suppress what the human mind has thought of, is dangerous.
Es ciertamente peligroso frenar lo que inventa el pensamiento humano.
Today, we have witnessed a defeat of thought, a defeat of economic thought and a defeat of political thought.
Hoy hemos asistido a una derrota del pensamiento, del pensamiento económico y del pensamiento político.
is the providential thought of the Creator for each creature, it is his
providente del Creador sobre cada criatura, es su idea-proyecto, como un sueño
Any thought of a renationalising cohesion policy ought to be rejected.
Cualquier idea de renacionalización de la política de cohesión tiene que ser rechazada.
My thought is simply that VAT is a tax that is proportional to price.
Mi idea es simplemente que el IVA es un impuesto proporcional al precio.

Synonyms (English) for "thoughtful":
Context examples for "thoughtful" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, I very much welcome this balanced and thoughtful report.
Señor Presidente, acojo con gran satisfacción este informe equilibrado y considerado.
Once again, I should like to thank Members for their thoughtful and incisive contributions.
Una vez más, quiero agradecer a los diputados sus intervenciones sensatas e incisivas.
Mr President, I very much welcome this balanced and thoughtful report.
. (EN) Señor Presidente, acojo con gran satisfacción este informe equilibrado y considerado.
I should like to thank Mr Crowley for his thoughtful report.
Quisiera agradecer al Sr. Crowley la elaboración de su informe tan minucioso.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Fraga Estévez on a very thoughtful report.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar a la señora Fraga Estévez por un informe tan serio.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Fraga Estévez on a very thoughtful report.
– Señor Presidente, quisiera felicitar a la señora Fraga Estévez por un informe tan serio.
The signals sent out from Brussels put me in a thoughtful frame of mind.
El Canciller Federal alemán, el Sr. Schröder, permite que el Presidente francés Chirac lo represente.
Last week, the Irish published a thoughtful report on options for the Treaty of Lisbon.
La semana pasada, los irlandeses publicaron un cuidadoso informe sobre las opciones del Tratado de Lisboa.
you're not very thoughtful, you might have taken her some flowers
¡qué poco detallista eres! le podías haber llevado unas flores
Nonetheless I congratulate the rapporteur on her thoughtful report.
No obstante, felicito a la ponente por su serio informe.
The skilled and thoughtful rapporteurs deserve all credit for their work within the current framework.
Los cualificados y cuidadosos ponentes merecen todo el mérito por su labor dentro del marco actual.
he phoned to see how I had got on, which was very thoughtful of him
tuvo el detalle de llamar para ver cómo me había ido
Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur for his usual, very thoughtful work.
Señor Presidente, quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento al ponente por su labor tan meticulosa como es habitual en él.
I have appreciated the lively and thoughtful discussion we have had in the limited time available to us today.
Valoro la animada y profunda discusión que hemos tenido en el escaso tiempo con el que hemos contado hoy.
Mr President, this is a very thoughtful report.
Señor Presidente, éste es un informe muy serio.
This is a good, thoughtful and thorough report.
Es un informe bueno, meditado y exhaustivo.
The President-in-Office gave us a thoughtful speech, reminding us of the case for a political Europe.
– Señora Presidenta, aprecio realmente al señor Juncker y, cuando pienso que le sucederá el señor Blair, le aprecio todavía más.
Thank you for your attention; I am now going to listen closely to the thoughtful comments of the various speakers.
Muchas gracias por su atención; ahora voy a escuchar atentamente las oportunas observaciones de los distintos oradores.
The report is thoughtful and well-considered.
El informe es serio y está bien planteado.
Simply raising the targets without any thoughtful consideration of them is not something that we should do on this occasion.
Plantear simplemente los objetivos sin reflexionar detenidamente sobre ellos no es algo que debamos hacer en esta ocasión.