
"tacho" in English

Use el tachado o el borrado con el extremo opuesto de la punta para borrar una palabra o un carácter y comenzar de nuevo.
Use scratch-out or the back-of-pen erase to erase a word or character, and then start over.
to delete[deleted · deleted] {v.t.} (by crossing out)
Pero prefiero que se tache la palabra« incontrolado».
But I would prefer you to delete the word 'uncontrolled '.
Pero prefiero que se tache la palabra «incontrolado».
But I would prefer you to delete the word 'uncontrolled'.
En la enmienda nº 8, el ponente propone tachar las palabras «no distorsión» y agregar una mención a la competencia justa.
In Amendment No 8, the rapporteur proposes to delete the words 'and undistorted' and to add a reference to fair competition.
to mark off {vb} (cross out)
to score out {vb} (letter, paragraph)
to scratch {v.t.} (strike out, cancel)
Deshacer eso; Tachar eso; Deshacer
Undo that; Scratch that; Undo
Use el tachado o el borrado con el extremo opuesto de la punta para borrar una palabra o un carácter y comenzar de nuevo.
Use scratch-out or the back-of-pen erase to erase a word or character, and then start over.
to strike off {vb} (delete)
to strike out {vb} (remove from list)
to X {v.t.} [Amer.] [coll.]
to X out {vb} [Amer.] [coll.]
Y en ese sentido tacho de falsas las palabras de mis colegas, el Sr. Cornillet y la Sra. Ludford.
And in relation to this, I strongly challenge what my fellow Members, Mr Cornillet and Baroness Ludford said.

Context examples for "tacho" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nuestro colega Jacques Toubon, la tachó de estalinista cuando se adoptó.
Our fellow Member, Jacques Toubon, called it Stalinist when it was adopted.
Y en ese sentido tacho de falsas las palabras de mis colegas, el Sr. Cornillet y la Sra.
And in relation to this, I strongly challenge what my fellow Members, Mr Cornillet and Baroness Ludford said.
El nuevo primer ministro Erdogan se le tachó en el pasado de extremista y se le privó del derecho de voto.
The new premier, Erdogan, has been depicted as an extremist in the past and has been disenfranchised.
Luego se produjo la crisis del Iraq, durante la cual el Presidente de los Estados Unidos tachó de irrelevantes a las Naciones Unidas.
Then came the Iraq crisis, during which the US President described the UN as irrelevant.
[Mucho] antes que esos [que ahora niegan la resurrección] la tachó de mentira el pueblo de Noé; y desmintieron a Nuestro siervo y dijeron: “¡Está loco!
Before them the people of Noah rejected, yea they reject Our servant and called him mad, and he was driven away.
mis planes se fueron al tacho
my plans fell through
lo tachó de la lista
she crossed it off the list
tachó la palabra
she put a line through the word
tacho de la basura
refuse bin
Se tachó ofensivamente la circulación de servicios de «dúmping social» y se invocó al mítico fontanero polaco para atemorizar a los ciudadanos de los antiguos Estados miembros.
There was offensive talk of the movement of services constituting ‘social dumping’, and the mythical was invoked to frighten citizens of the old Member States.