
"to put a label on" in Spanish

"to put a label on" in Spanish

Context examples for "to put a label on" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Who has the right to put the label of ethics on it?
¿Quién se atreve a establecer consideraciones éticas?
Judging from the debates which have been held in this Chamber, we can put a label on it: gender inequality.
A juzgar por los debates celebrados en esta Cámara, podemos ponerle un nombre: desigualdad entre los géneros.
Will we put a label on every grain of rice?
¿Le ponemos una etiqueta a cada grano de arroz?
I am pleased, therefore, that the EU has not sought to use the Congo tragedy as an opportunity merely to put its label on another so-called EU military operation.
Me complace, por tanto, que la UE no haya aprovechado la tragedia del Congo como una oportunidad exclusiva para poner su etiqueta en otra operación militar de la UE.
I therefore took it out of there and put a label on it to let people know that when my trunk is put away in the photocopying room, it is not taken to Strasbourg.
Por eso lo he sacado y he dejado una nota destinada a esas personas, en la que les digo que cuando mi baúl está en la sala de la fotocopiadora no es transportado a Estrasburgo.