
"pesadamente" in English

"pesadamente" in English
pesada{adjective feminine}
se dejó caer pesadamente en el sillón
he dropped heavily into the armchair
hard{adv.} (heavily)
pesada(also: pesado)
bore{noun} (dull person)
es una pesada insoportable
she's an unspeakable bore
muggle{noun} [coll.]
nuisance{noun} (person)
Estoy dispuesta a hacerme pesada, sobre todo con el Consejo, durante el tiempo que sea necesario para que se produzca un cambio de opinión.
I intend to make a nuisance of myself, particularly to the Council, for as long as it takes for a change of mind to kick in.
pill{noun} [Amer.] [coll.] (boring, ineffectual person)
pesada{adjective feminine}
Sin embargo, combatir la pobreza e intentar reintegrar a la gente que ha sido rechazada en el mercado laboral sigue siendo una tarea pesada para la ampliada Unión Europea.
However, combating poverty and trying to reintegrate people who have been rejected by the labour market remains a hefty task for the enlarged European Union.

Context examples for "pesadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, los trabajos en el ámbito de la justicia y los asuntos de interior avanzan pesadamente.
Madam President, there is a lack of movement in the area of justice and home affairs.
los prisioneros marchaban pesadamente bajo la lluvia
the prisoners tramped along in the rain
rendido de cansancio, subió pesadamente la escalera
dog-tired, he plodded up the steps
se dejó caer pesadamente en el sillón
he dropped heavily into the armchair
lo oí subir pesadamente las escaleras
I heard him thudding up the stairs
se dejó caer pesadamente en el sillón
he flopped into the armchair