
"in the near future" in Spanish

"in the near future" in Spanish
Do you think it is likely that they will be released in the near future?
¿Creen que es probable que se les ponga en libertad en un futuro cercano?
They are key factors for European competitiveness and also for employment in the near future.
Son factores clave para la competitividad europea y también para el empleo en un futuro cercano.
This is something which looks set to bring everything grinding to a halt in the very near future.
Ésa es una cuestión que amenaza con paralizar todo el asunto en un futuro cercano.
A major task for Turkey is to do this in the very near future.
La gran tarea de Turquía consiste en hacer estas cosas a corto plazo.
It looks unlikely that this will be discussed within the near future.
No parece que a corto plazo se vaya a discutir sobre ella.
The consistent exchange of information is therefore not very likely in the near future.
Por tanto, es de suponer que la implantación de un intercambio de información coherente a corto plazo planteará una serie de dudas.

Similar translations for "in the near future" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
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Context examples for "in the near future" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What does the Commission intend to do in the near future to change this situation?
¿Qué piensa hacer la Comisión en un futuro inmediato para corregir esta situación?
We thus hope that agreement with the Council will be reached in the near future.
Esperamos, por tanto, que se pueda alcanzar un acuerdo con el Consejo muy rápidamente.
I hope that the Commission lays down proposals on these matters in the near future.
Espero que próximamente la Comisión formule las propuestas correspondientes.
The agreement will not be implemented in the near future at national level.
No se prevé la entrada en vigor del acuerdo en un futuro próximo a nivel nacional.
And do you have any new ideas about what is to be done in the near future?
¿Tiene usted alguna idea nueva sobre lo que habrá que hacer en el futuro inmediato?
With this in mind, an IMF mission may visit Chişinău in the near future.
Teniendo esto en cuenta, una misión del FMI debe visitar Chisinau próximamente.
These are the modules that we urgently want to see in the very near future.
Esos son los módulos que queremos ver cuanto antes en el futuro más próximo.
I hope there is no need to set up another committee of inquiry in the near future.
Espero que en el futuro más próximo no sea necesario crear otra comisión investigadora.
We are talking about the direction, and also about implementation in the near future.
Estamos hablando de la dirección y de la ejecución para el futuro cercano.
This will happen in the near future thanks to a new act which has now been promised.
Eso se hará en el futuro cercano mediante una nueva ley que se ha prometido entretanto.
Other regions risk finding themselves in precisely the same situation in the near future.
En un futuro próximo, otras regiones corren el riesgo de encontrarse en este caso.
In the near future, a very difficult election will be held in Ukraine.
En un futuro próximo, se llevarán a cabo unas elecciones muy difíciles en Ucrania.
We have already started, and we are striving to achieve tangible results in the near future.
Ya hemos comenzado y esperamos lograr resultados tangibles en el futuro próximo.
I wonder where the Commissioner thinks we are going in the near future.
Me gustaría saber adónde cree el Comisario que vamos en el futuro inmediato.
Perhaps the Commissioner might care to address that point in some way in the near future.
Quizá la Comisaria desee ocuparse de este asunto en algún momento del futuro próximo.
Do you think it is likely that they will be released in the near future?
¿Creen que es probable que se les ponga en libertad en un futuro cercano?
Solutions to some of the questions could be at hand in the near future.
Puede que en un futuro próximo dispongamos de soluciones a algunas de estas preguntas.
Will the Commission see to it that this illegality is remedied in the near future?
¿Piensa la Comisión adoptar medidas para subsanar esta situación ilegal en un futuro próximo?
We must prevent them being insufficient to cover the commitments in the near future.
Debemos evitar que resulten insuficientes para cubrir los compromisos en el futuro próximo.
These will undoubtedly have to reckon with requirements to match in the near future.
Sin duda, esta estrategia irá acompañada de obligaciones que habrá que cumplir en el futuro.