
"hoped-for" in Spanish

"hoped-for" in Spanish
These are the years when income is not necessarily at the level hoped for.
Son los años en los que los ingresos no alcanzan necesariamente el nivel esperado.
We have not reached the point of simplification that we had hoped for.
No hemos llegado al punto de simplificación que habíamos esperado.
It is my view in fact that progress is not as much as we would have hoped for.
En mi opinión no se ha progresado tanto como habríamos esperado.

Synonyms (English) for "hoped-for":
Similar translations for "hoped-for" in Spanish
Context examples for "hoped-for" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What are we going to do if we get a hoped-for peace agreement in the Middle East?
¿Qué vamos a hacer si conseguimos el tan deseado acuerdo de paz en Oriente Próximo?
I think we all hoped that these elections would become democratic elections.
Creo que todos teníamos la esperanza de que estas elecciones fuesen democráticas.
Unfortunately, we all hoped that we would not have to discuss Colombia again.
Desgraciadamente, todos quisiéramos no tener que volver a hablar de Colombia.
It is to be hoped that the people of Lithuania choose to be similarly minded.
Es de esperar que la población de Lituania decida ser considerada de forma similar.
it is hoped that acceptable solutions will be found through the negotiating process
se espera encontrar soluciones aceptables a través de los mecanismos de negociación
Mr President, I hoped to be able to say something before Mrs Van Dijk left.
Señor Presidente, espero poder decir algo antes de que la Sra. Van Dijk se marche.
But something has actually happened, which we could scarcely have hoped for years ago.
Pero ha surgido algo que apenas podíamos imaginar hace años. Existe un tratado.
I simply hoped that all the active political forces would participate in the election.
Simplemente, esperé que todas las fuerzas vivas participaran en las elecciones.
These are the years when income is not necessarily at the level hoped for.
Son los años en los que los ingresos no alcanzan necesariamente el nivel esperado.
It is to be hoped, in this respect, that the Commission will be bolder in its approach.
Es de esperar que, en este sentido, la Comisión sea más atrevida en su enfoque.
Unfortunately the conclusions of the Council were not as strong as many hoped for.
Por desgracia, las conclusiones del Consejo no fueron tan firmes como muchos deseaban.
We Swedish Social Democrats had really hoped to be able to vote for this report.
Los socialdemócratas suecos teníamos la esperanza de poder votar a favor de este informe.
In this respect, the results are entirely in line with what we had hoped.
Con respecto a este punto, los resultados se ajustan totalmente a lo que deseamos.
It is to be hoped that Sweden and Denmark will agree.
Debemos respaldar esta propuesta, y espero que Suecia y Dinamarca se unan a la misma.
We have to admit that the situation did not develop as originally hoped.
Es preciso reconocer que las cosas no han evolucionado en la dirección deseada.
It is to be hoped that appropriate new technical solutions for equipment will emerge.
Hay que confiar en que surjan nuevas soluciones técnicas apropiadas para los equipos.
It is hoped that doing this will enable the trading scheme to start working.
Se espera que, con ello, el Régimen de comercio pueda empezar a funcionar.
It is now evident that things will not happen as quickly as some people had hoped.
Ahora resulta evidente que no lo conseguiremos con tanta rapidez como algunos esperaban.
I also share the analysis that the Council is rather weaker than had been hoped.
Estoy de acuerdo con el señor Coveney en que una mayoría de dos tercios habría sido mejor.
It is to be hoped that this will be rectified through the amendment process.
Es de esperar que esta falta de claridad se rectifique mediante el proceso de enmienda.