
"good looks" in Spanish

"good looks" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "good looks":
Context examples for "good looks" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The latter is an idea that only looks good on paper or in the minds of its creators.
La última es una idea que solo parece buena sobre el papel o en las mentes de sus creadores.
From what I have seen of the reform process, it looks good.
Por lo que he visto del proceso de reforma, éste tiene buen aspecto.
she's well into her forties but when she dresses up she looks pretty good
ya es cuarentona pero cuando se arregla da el gatazo
she has a very good figure, everything looks good on her
tiene muy buena percha, todo le queda bien
don't fall for his good looks and fine words
no te dejes seducir por su atractivo y sus palabras
the dress is very cheap but it looks really good
el vestido es muy barato pero es muy aparente
I must say that it looks good at first glance.
He de decir que pinta bien a primera vista.
The Arc Touch looks good, performs very well and is very comfortable covering all the bases for a portable mouse."
Arc Touch es bonito, funciona bien y resulta muy cómodo, por lo que cubre todos los requisitos de un ratón portátil".
however she dresses, she always looks good
se vista como se vista, siempre está bien
it's a very practical shirt and always looks good
es una camisa muy sufrida
it looks good, but it has no taste
tiene buen aspecto, pero no sabe a nada
the dress looks really good on you
el vestido te queda la mar de bien
the picture looks good on that wall
el cuadro queda bien en esa pared
she was attracted by his good looks
la atrajo lo buen mozo que era
she was attracted by his good looks
la atrajo lo guapo que era
blue looks good on you
el azul le sienta muy bien
red looks good on you
el rojo te queda muy bien
he still looks good
aún está de buen ver
he looks good
tiene muy buena facha
One final comment, Mr Schüssel: I have to agree that everything looks good around the middle; the Austrian Presidency is doing a good job.
Un comentario final, señor Schüssel: Tengo que admitir que en promedio el balance es positivo; la Presidencia austriaca está haciendo un buen trabajo.