
"fellow feeling" in Spanish

"fellow feeling" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "fellow feeling":
Context examples for "fellow feeling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In a world in constant change, in a Union that never ceases to evolve, our fellow citizens are feeling, for the first time in a many years, insecure.
En un mundo en permanente cambio, en una Unión que no deja de evolucionar, nuestros ciudadanos se sienten, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, inseguros.
The current situation is an unjustified hiatus totally at odds with those principles of equality, tolerance and respect that lie at the heart of the fellow feeling fostered by the EU.
Los esfuerzos de integración de la comunidad romaní a menudo han acabado en un intento de asimilación, que también ha fracasado.
The current situation is an unjustified hiatus totally at odds with those principles of equality, tolerance and respect that lie at the heart of the fellow feeling fostered by the EU.
La situación actual es un vacío injustificado totalmente contrario a los principios de igualdad, tolerancia y respeto que se hallan en la médula del sentimiento de solidaridad que fomenta la UE.