
"dirty tricks" in Spanish

"dirty tricks" in Spanish

Context examples for "dirty tricks" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That very system has given rise to dirty tricks in some cases.
Ese mismo sistema es el que ha dado lugar a trucos sucios en algunos casos.
dirty tricks department
departamento de actividades clandestinas
Special police units, dirty tricks and deception, quasi-legal procedures which he is using in a bid to hush up the fact that the people are sick and tired of him.
Con la ayuda de unidades especiales de policía, trampas y embustes, procedimientos cuasi legales, intenta ocultar que el pueblo ya no está dispuesto a tolerarle.
I want to make it absolutely clear that this is a mistake, or if it is not a mistake, it is some mischievous prank by the dirty tricks department of the Liberal Party.
Quiero dejar absolutamente claro que se trata de un error, o si no es un error, es una travesura del departamento, que gusta gastar bromas pesadas, del Partido de los Liberales.
The current financial correction system must also be changed as a matter of urgency, because it encourages Member States to cover up irregularities and fraud instead of reporting dirty tricks.
El actual sistema de corrección financiera requiere una reforma urgente, puesto que incita a los Estados miembros a ocultar las prácticas irregulares y fraudulentas en lugar de notificarlas.