
"ardid" in English

"ardid" in English
Y ahora vienen con el ardid de las categorías A-20, A-40 y A-60.
Now they have come up with the gimmick of A-20, A-40 and A-60.
un ardid publicitario
an advertising gimmick
No estamos hablando aquí sobre un artilugio teórico o de un ardid europeo; estamos hablando sobre una clara necesidad y sobre auténtico progreso para Europa.
We are not talking here about a theoretical gadget or a European gimmick; we are talking about a clear need and about real progress for Europe.
ardid(also: trampa)
Es un verdadero ardid político, ya que adoptar tratados europeos no forma parte de las competencias del Parlamento.
That is a real political ploy, since Parliament's competence does not extend to adopting European treaties.
Aunque ellos sostengan que carecen de influencia alguna, considero que no se trata más que de un ardid diplomático.
They may well constantly maintain that they have none, but I believe that to be a diplomatic ploy.
scheme{noun} (underhand)
Por lo tanto, nos hallamos ante un ardid político del Gobierno turco, ya que el señor Talat no ostenta ninguno de esos tres cargos.
This, therefore, is a case of political scheming on the part of the Turkish Government, as Mr Talat does not hold any of these three offices.
Por lo tanto, nos hallamos ante un ardid político del Gobierno turco, ya que el señor Talat no ostenta ninguno de esos tres cargos.
This, therefore, is a case of political scheming on the part of the Turkish Government, as MrTalat does not hold any of these three offices.
ardid(also: trampa)
trick{noun} (ruse)
No obstante, este pequeño ardid resulta demasiado obvio.
This little trick, however, is rather too transparent.
Como ha dicho el Sr. McMillan-Scott, cada vez que se plantea esta discusión se recurre a todo tipo de ardides para poder modificar el resultado de la votación.
As Mr McMillan-Scott said, every single time we have this discussion almost every trick in the book is called - every possible way in which we can change the vote.

Context examples for "ardid" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La presentación de propuestas como un mero ardid publicitario también es una forma de populismo.
Making proposals as a mere publicity stunt is also a form of populism.
Con todo, la venta con pérdidas es un ardid comercial que, tarde o temprano, acaba siendo tolerado por los consumidores.
Nevertheless, selling below cost is a commercial stratagem which will, sooner or later, be tolerated by consumers.
Aunque ellos sostengan que carecen de influencia alguna, considero que no se trata más que de un ardid diplomático.
North Korea is working on warheads and rockets to carry them, it is hampering the six-party talks and destabilising the entire region.
un ardid publicitario
a publicity-seeking stunt
un ardid publicitario
an advertising gimmick
Creo recordar un ardid publicitario en el que aparecía un enorme montón de botellas que ya no iban a ser devueltas para ser rellenadas, sino que sencillamente iban a ser arrojadas a un vertedero.
I seem to remember a publicity stunt that featured an enormous mound of bottles which were no longer going to be returned for refilling but were simply going to be dumped in a landfill site.