
"day order" in Spanish

"day order" in Spanish

Context examples for "day order" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is crucial to take time away from the topic of the day in order to prepare for the future.
Es fundamental restar tiempo al tema del día para prepararse para el futuro.
Holy Spirit, invite us to renew this experience day by day in order to
del Espíritu Santo, nos invitan a consolidar en nosotros sus dones,
Today has been designated 'World AIDS Day ' in order to mark, on the one hand, the progress which has been made in combating this scourge.
Según estimaciones de ONUSIDA, más de medio millón de personas en la Unión Europea son portadoras del virus.
We in my group and others fully support the demonstrations by the public, activists and trade unions which represent the new order the day.
Somos, mi Grupo y otros muchos, parte implicada de las movilizaciones ciudadanas, asociativas, sindicales que forman el nuevo desafío de todo el periodo.
Today has been designated 'World AIDS Day' in order to mark, on the one hand, the progress which has been made in combating this scourge.
El día de hoy ha sido declarado «Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el Sida» para señalar, por una parte, el progreso realizado en el combate contra esta plaga.
Cirque du Soleil has established working methods that ensure the artists’ work is done in highly controlled environments, day in and day out, in order to effectively manage performance risk.
La ‘razón de ser’ del Cirque du Soleil es la creación de espectáculos, presentados bajo las carpas circenses, en teatros o estadios.
It means that the European Social Democrats will monitor the Commission night and day in order to uncover the truth for the benefit of the ordinary citizens of Europe.
Quiere decir que los socialdemócratas europeos controlaremos a la Comisión día y noche a fin de sacar a la luz la verdad para satisfacción del ciudadano europeo.
I would like to thank the EP President for his decision on that day to order that the state flag of the Slovak Republic in front of the Parliament building fly at half mast.
Quiero agradecer al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo su decisión ese día de izar una bandera de la República Eslovaca a media asta delante del edificio del Parlamento.