
"back room" in Spanish

"back room" in Spanish
back room{noun}
rebotica{f} [oldfsh.]
First of all, I think your profile is too low; I think your cabinet keeps you in meetings in the back room.
Primero, creo que su labor es demasiado discreta; creo que su gabinete le retiene en reuniones de trastienda.
I call on my Dutch colleagues in the CDA and the VVD to support this idea and to distance themselves from Dutch back room politics.
Pido a mis colegas neerlandeses del CDA y del VVD que apoyen esta idea y se distancien de la política de trastienda neerlandesa.
We must know what we want, the Council must know what it wants and must not add a sentence about Zimbabwe in some back room somewhere, like in the G8.
Tenemos que saber lo que queremos, el Consejo tiene que saber lo que quiere y no, como en el G8, añadir alguna pequeña frase sobre Zimbabwe en cualquier trastienda, como en el G8.

Context examples for "back room" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This Parliament will no longer permit back-room debates and decisions.
Este Parlamento no va a seguir permitiendo debates y decisiones a puerta cerrada.
We should in any event get away from back-room decisions taken in the middle of the night.
En cualquier caso deberíamos alejarnos de decisiones a puerta cerrada tomadas en mitad de la noche.
That means the triumph of the back-room politics of the big countries, and this will have a paralysing effect.
Esto significa el triunfo de la política entre bambalinas de los países grandes, lo cual tendrá un efecto paralizador.
We must go back to the Upper Room in Jerusalem.
Es preciso volver al cenáculo de Jerusalén.
Allow me to clarify some things again: one of the speakers said that we had been indulging in back-room politics.
Permítame de nuevo aclarar algunas cosas: uno de los oradores ha dicho que habíamos incurrido en hacer política a puerta cerrada.
I missed the first roll-call vote simply because I went to the back of the room and Mrs Oomen-Ruijten took my card out.
No he podido participar en la primera votación nominal, porque me dirigí al fondo del hemiciclo y la Sra. Oomen-Ruijten extrajo mi tarjeta.
Baroness Ashton was chosen through a back-room deal among Europe's socialist parties, an afterthought by the British Prime Minister.
La baronesa Ashton ha sido elegida a través de un acuerdo a puerta cerrada de los partidos socialistas de Europa, una ocurrencia del Primer Ministro británico.
Back-room discussions, confidential documents and a lack of appreciation of the European Parliament and the national parliaments - that is not the stuff milestones are made of.
Los hitos no se hacen con debates a puerta cerrada, documentos confidenciales y menosprecio del Parlamento Europeo y de los parlamentos nacionales.
This should not be the benchmark for our debate of the energy package that is before us, for that is back-room politics not transparent democracy.
Esto no debería servir de ejemplo para el debate sobre el paquete de la energía que tenemos pendiente, porque esta política de reuniones secretas no se compadece con una democracia transparente.
For we want, in fact, to move away from the back-room mentality, we want to move away from closed meetings between officials, between diplomats and between fifteen Heads of Government.
Porque, efectivamente, queremos acabar con los cuartuchos traseros, con las reuniones a puerta cerrada entre funcionarios, entre diplomáticos, entre quince jefes de gobierno.