
"atónito" in English

"atónito" in English
atónito{adjective masculine}
átono{adjective masculine}
atónito{adjective masculine}
Su declaración política inicial me dejo atónito.
I was astonished by his opening political statement.
Estoy atónito.
I am astonished.
Me sorprendería -de hecho me quedaría atónito- si no lo hicieran, y por ello pienso que Su Señoría puede estar bastante seguro de que lo harán.
I should be surprised - astonished, in fact - if they did not, so I think the honourable Member can be quite certain that they will do so.
su reacción lo dejó atónito
he was amazed at her reaction
(FI) Señor Presidente, señora Comisaria, señora Ashton, creo que la nueva Alta Representante debe estar atónita por cómo el Parlamento Europeo ha hecho sus deberes.
(FI) Mr President, Commissioner, Mrs Ashton, I believe that the new High Representative must be amazed at how the European Parliament has done its homework.
. – Señor Presidente, mientras felicito al señor Meijer por su excelente y preciso discurso, he de decir que me he quedado atónito al oír las palabras de algunos diputados.
Mr President, while I congratulate Mr Meijer on his excellent and very precise speech, I have to say that I was amazed to hear what some Members said earlier on.
Es una de las cosas que me ha dejado totalmente atónito, aunque quizás no me hubiera tenido que sorprender tanto.
That is one thing that has absolutely astounded me – although perhaps I should not have been too surprised.
Tengo una copia del documento a que se ha referido usted y me ha dejado absolutamente atónito.
I have a copy of the document you are referring to and I am absolutely astounded by it.
Nos deja también atónitos el hecho de que los organismos públicos hayan supuesto únicamente el 10% de los participantes.
We are also astounded that public bodies have only accounted for 10% of the participants.
Ahora estoy atónito al ver que en la Unión Europea sólo se permite un único resultado final.
Now I am flabbergasted that only one end result is allowed in the European Union.
me quedé atónito al enterarme de la noticia
I was flabbergasted when I heard the news
Su falta de responsabilidad nos deja atónitos.
Their lack of responsibility leaves us flabbergasted.
uncomprehending{adj.} [form.]
átono{adjective masculine}
atonic{adj.} [ling.]
unstressed{adj.} [ling.]
unaccented{adj.} (syllable)
weak{adj.} (syllable)

Context examples for "atónito" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora estoy atónito al ver que en la Unión Europea sólo se permite un único resultado final.
Now I am flabbergasted that only one end result is allowed in the European Union.
Tengo una copia del documento a que se ha referido usted y me ha dejado absolutamente atónito.
I have a copy of the document you are referring to and I am absolutely astounded by it.
He de afirmar que a veces uno se queda atónito al leer las propuestas de resolución del Parlamento.
I must say that the mind boggles sometimes when I read Parliament’s motions for resolutions.
Es una de las cosas que me ha dejado totalmente atónito, aunque quizás no me hubiera tenido que sorprender tanto.
I was under the impression that this was already standard administrative practice.
Su declaración política inicial me dejo atónito.
I was astonished by his opening political statement.
Es una de las cosas que me ha dejado totalmente atónito, aunque quizás no me hubiera tenido que sorprender tanto.
That is one thing that has absolutely astounded me – although perhaps I should not have been too surprised.
He escuchado lo que ha dicho antes la señora Niebler en el debate y me quedado atónito.
In the same breath, the Committee has brushed off the table the proposed licensing procedure and replaced it by a duty of notification.
Me ha dejado atónito, señora Randzio-Plath.
Mrs Randzio-Plath, I can only shake my head at that.
me quedé atónito al enterarme de la noticia
I was flabbergasted when I heard the news
se quedó atónito cuando se lo dijeron
he was stunned when they told him
su reacción lo dejó atónito
he was amazed at her reaction
No obstante, ¡me dejan atónito!
But what a surprise.
Me sorprendería -de hecho me quedaría atónito- si no lo hicieran, y por ello pienso que Su Señoría puede estar bastante seguro de que lo harán.
I should be surprised - astonished, in fact - if they did not, so I think the honourable Member can be quite certain that they will do so.
Uno se queda atónito.
The mind boggles!
El Parlamento Europeo, Señorías, se ha desvestido solo y ahora descubre atónito que va por las calles totalmente desnudo.
Ladies and gentlemen, the European Parliament has stripped off most of its own clothes and is today discovering dumbly that it is walking the streets quite naked.
Estoy atónito.
I am astonished.
Pero hacer como si todo lo que se ha dicho de las mujeres, de los intelectuales y de los críticos no fuera nada importante realmente me deja atónito.
But to act as if everything that has been said about women, about intellectuals and about critics of the regime was irrelevant - I am simply stunned!
. – Señor Presidente, mientras felicito al señor Meijer por su excelente y preciso discurso, he de decir que me he quedado atónito al oír las palabras de algunos diputados.
It is a matter of general knowledge that it is not the official Catholic Church that is allowed, but a nationally controlled variant.
. – Señor Presidente, mientras felicito al señor Meijer por su excelente y preciso discurso, he de decir que me he quedado atónito al oír las palabras de algunos diputados.
. Mr President, while I congratulate Mr Meijer on his excellent and very precise speech, I have to say that I was amazed to hear what some Members said earlier on.
Usted tendría la obligación de hablar en voz alta, de proferir la señal de alarma con suficiente antelación, para no dejar de repente a todo el mundo atónito por no haberse alcanzado el objetivo.
Here, your task would be to speak up promptly and send out a clear warning signal so that no one is surprised when the target is not achieved after all.