
"sobrecogido" in English

Aún estamos sobrecogidos por las tremendas imágenes, por la tremenda realidad, por las consecuencias gravísimas que ya han tenido y por las que adivinamos y nos tememos que tendrán.
We are still overwhelmed by the horrendous pictures, the horrendous truth and their grave consequences now and, we imagine and fear, for the future.

Context examples for "sobrecogido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
con el corazón sobrecogido
overcome with emotion
Me ha sobrecogido ver esas escenas en el mismo corazón de la capital paquistaní y que han implicado a cientos de hombres y mujeres.
It has come as a shock to me to see these scenes take place in the very heart of the Pakistani capital with hundreds of men and women involved.
(DE) Señor Presidente, Señorías, la colisión de los dos trenes de cercanías en Bruselas que ha ocasionado este terrible accidente nos ha sobrecogido a todos.
(DE) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the collision between two commuter trains in Brussels, which resulted in this dreadful accident, has deeply shocked all of us.