
"sin mira" in English

"sin mira" in English

Context examples for "sin mira" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el caso de importantes socios económicos como China o India, mira sin problemas hacia otro lado.
In the case of important economic partners such as China or India, it is happy to turn a blind eye.
Sin duda, esta legislación mira hacia delante, llena un hueco y no tiene parangón en el mundo.
Undoubtedly, this legislation is forward-looking, fills a gap and is unparalleled anywhere in the world.
mira ¡sin manos!
look! no hands!
Es consciente de que Dios le ha colocado ahí y no osa moverse; mira sin decir palabra a todos los que acuden junto al niño y siente que los acontecimientos le superan ¡Qué importa!
He understands that God put him there and he does not dare to move. He looks to all the visitors coming to see the baby; he does not seem to understand what is going on.
El mundo mira sin hacer nada cómo las autoridades chinas siguen manteniendo prisionero al Panchen Lama.
The Tibetans have been deprived of nearly all their fundamental human rights, and the world has simply stood and watched as the Panchen Lama has been held in captivity by the Chinese.