
"self-evidently" in Spanish

"self-evidently" in Spanish
It is self-evidently unacceptable to go outside the law that is decided by democratic institutions.
Por lo tanto, es manifiestamente inaceptable infringir el Derecho aprobado por instituciones democráticas.
Mr Cohn-Bendit himself drew a subtle distinction between those who are self-evidently European and a shift towards Eurasia.
El propio señor Cohn-Bendit ha hecho una sutil distinción entre quienes son manifiestamente europeos y el cambio hacia Eurasia.
That is self-evidently not the case, and for that reason, we have not agreed to paragraph 10 of the report.
Evidentemente esto no es así, y por este motivo no estamos de acuerdo con el apartado 10 del informe.
Self-evidently that is nonsensical.
Evidentemente, eso carece de sentido.
This proposal self-evidently does not cover people who are illegally present in the European Union.
Esta propuesta evidentemente no cubre a las personas que se encuentran ilegalmente en la Unión Europea.

Context examples for "self-evidently" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is self-evidently absurd for a candidate country to be treated differently through the formulation of special requirements.
Es absurdo que un país candidato reciba un trato diferente debido a la formulación de requisitos especiales.
That is self-evidently not the case, and for that reason, we have not agreed to paragraph 10 of the report.
Mis colegas conservadores británicos y yo apoyamos los esfuerzos por hacer frente a la discriminación de género en los sistemas sanitarios de toda la UE.
My invitation to colleagues today is to seize this opportunity to create the change for which there is self-evidently such an appetite in this House.
Quisiera invitar hoy a los colegas a aprovechar esta oportunidad de materializar ese cambio que claramente tanto desea esta Asamblea.
The subsidiarity principle leads self-evidently to the conclusion that this is expenditure for the Member States or regional political bodies.
El principio de subsidiariedad nos lleva a la evidente conclusión de que se trata de un gasto de los Estados miembros o de las autoridades políticas regionales.
Mr Gollnisch addressed a political press conference in Lyons on 11 October 2004, and he did so, self-evidently, as a politician who is first and foremost a Member of the European Parliament.
– Señor Presidente, la mayoría de este Parlamento acaba de decidir, por razones políticas, no defender mi inmunidad.
Self-evidently none of these were points of order, but they reflect the deep concern of colleagues and so I was prepared to take them.
Está claro que ninguno de estos puntos está relacionado con la observancia del Reglamento, pero reflejan la profunda preocupación de los colegas y por ello he decidido admitirlos.
Making Slovak police subject to military jurisdiction quite self-evidently goes against what has been laid down by the Council of Europe, not to mention police ethics.
Someter a la policía eslovaca a la jurisdicción militar va claramente en contra de lo establecido por el Consejo de Europa, por no decir de la ética policial.
Let me also emphasise to the budgetary authority that giving the Agency additional tasks must, self-evidently, be accompanied by a corresponding increase in its financial resources.
Todos han trabajado juntos, han presentado propuestas y han logrado este compromiso que presentan sobre uno de los elementos principales del sistema REACH: el registro.
Firstly, and I think quite self-evidently, the activities undertaken should be in tune with the proposed requirements as they are presently stated in the programme.
En primer lugar -creo que esto es evidente- las actividades a emprender han estar de acuerdo, naturalmente, con las exigencias que se hayan planteado, tal como figuran ahora en el programa.
If people really want to move, it is self-evidently a good thing that their qualifications should be valid even far away from home and that they should be able to take their pension rights with them.
Si las personas desean mudarse, es obvio que es bueno que sus cualificaciones se acepten allá donde vayan y que puedan llevarse consigo sus derechos de pensiones.
They should definitely not be enshrined in the Treaty, and Parliament should self-evidently have the same right of co-decision in agricultural policy as we have in other areas.
Definitivamente no deberían ser incluidos en el Tratado y el Parlamento debería tener el mismo derecho de decisión conjunta en materia de política agrícola con el que contamos en otras áreas.