
"reading matter" in Spanish

"reading matter" in Spanish
lectura{f} (texto)
reading matter that is spiritually uplifting
una lectura para fortalecer el espíritu
It is useful reading matter, but it cannot replace the official version, which will take a certain time to prepare.
Es un material de lectura útil, pero no puede reemplazar a la versión oficial, cuya preparación llevará cierto tiempo.
reading matter
material de lectura

Context examples for "reading matter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I also welcome the quick reading which the matter has received here in Parliament.
Me complace también el rápido tratamiento que se le ha dado al asunto aquí en el Parlamento.
reading matter that is spiritually uplifting
una lectura para fortalecer el espíritu
reading matter not recommended for children
lecturas no recomendables para niños
When I was reading up on this matter, I have to say it was like going from one disaster to another.
Como ya he señalado, yo soy jurista y debo decir que cuando empecé a leer los textos sobre este tema me encontré con un desastre tras otro.
reading matter
material de lectura