
"public prosecutor's office" in Spanish

"public prosecutor's office" in Spanish
fiscalía{f} (despacho)
A European criminal law area is not what is required, and OLAF should not be given the functions of a public prosecutor's office.
La OLAF tampoco deberá cumplir funciones de fiscalía.
Your institution is calling for a public prosecutor's office for financial matters in connection with the Intergovernmental Conference.
Su institución exige una Fiscalía Financiera en relación con la Conferencia Intergubernamental.
All the questions of how the Public Prosecutor's Office should operate can then be settled by secondary law.
Todas las preguntas sobre cómo debería funcionar la Fiscalía Europea se pueden resolver mediante el derecho secundario.

Context examples for "public prosecutor's office" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I cannot, however, vote in favour of setting up a European Public Prosecutor' s office.
No obstante, no puedo votar a favor de la creación de un Ministerio Fiscal comunitario.
We have voted against establishing a European public prosecutor' s office.
Hemos votado en contra de la creación de un Ministerio Fiscal europeo.
This is the reason why we are not in favour of creating a European Public Prosecutor' s Office.
Ésa es la razón por la cual no somos favorables a la creación de un ministerio público europeo.
The European Public Prosecutor' s Office is nothing to be afraid of. I feel there is a lot of scaremongering going on.
El ministerio fiscal europeo no es nada temible, eso son fantasmas que rondan por ahí.
The public prosecutor’ s office and the judiciary in this country are increasingly being used as political weapons by President Putin’ s regime.
Señorías, espero que la Duma apruebe pronto una resolución similar sobre la Unión Europea.
Eurojust is to be strengthened with a view to creating a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (paragraph 2e-2).
Prevé dar un nuevo impulso a Eurojust con vistas a la creación de un ministerio fiscal europeo (apartado 2, subapartado e, segundo guión).
I can well understand people' s being tired of all the fraud and therefore demanding that we have a common public prosecutor' s office.
Comprendo perfectamente que la gente esté cansada de todo este fraude y exija por ello un Ministerio Fiscal comunitario.
We will need the European Public Prosecutor' s Office for this, which will see to it that there are clear legal guarantees, also for suspects.
Para ello necesitamos un Fiscal General Europeo que ofrezca una garantía judicial clara, también para los sospechosos.
If cases of fraud or suspected fraud should actually arise in this area, then the national public prosecutor' s office should automatically be involved.
Si existiese aquí realmente fraude o sospecha de fraude, las fiscalías nacionales deberían actuar automáticamente.
One proposal which I oppose - and we have asked for a separate vote - is on the question of a European Public Prosecutor' s Office.
Una propuesta a la que me opongo - y sobre la que hemos solicitado una votación por partes - es la cuestión de un Ministerio Fiscal europeo.
I am totally opposed to a European Public Prosecutor' s Office with its powers extending over the territory of all the Member States.
Estoy completamente en contra del Ministerio Fiscal europeo y de que su jurisdicción se extienda a todo el territorio de los Estados miembros.
What we still need to do, though, is to set up a European Public Prosecutor’ s Office; fraud that is detrimental to the European Budget must be punishable under criminal law.
La Comisión de Control Presupuestario, en particular su presidente y el ponente, el Sr. Bösch, han defendido esto durante años.
Unfortunately, we find that we are still far from establishing a European public prosecutor' s office or from common legislation and judicial procedures.
Por desgracia, observamos que nos encontramos lejos aún de un ministerio público europeo y de una legislación y unos procedimientos judiciales comunes.
We have a problem in relation to appointing a European Public Prosecutor, whose office we would regard as an integral part of the federal EU we do not wish to see.
Tenemos un problema con respecto a la cuestión de un Ministerio Fiscal europeo, que nos parece un paso hacia una UE federal, algo que no deseamos.
This is exactly the task which a small, limited, European Public Prosecutor' s Office should carry out, not just at the criminal investigation stage, but also at the prosecution stage.
Exactamente lo mismo que debería hacer el fiscal europeo. Pero no en la fase de investigación, sino en la fase de persecución penal.
What we still need to do, though, is to set up a European Public Prosecutor’s Office; fraud that is detrimental to the European Budget must be punishable under criminal law.
Sin embargo, todavía hemos de crear una Oficina del Fiscal Europeo; el fraude que perjudica al Presupuesto europeo debe castigarse al amparo del Derecho penal.