
"acusadora" in English

accuser{noun} [idiom]
Nuestros sistemas judiciales siempre han atribuido correctamente la carga de la prueba al acusador, no al acusado.
Our justice systems have always rightly placed the burden of proof on the accuser, not on the defendant.
En nuestros días, nadie debería poderse erigir a la vez en acusador, defensor, juez y verdugo, o incluso se podría decir en torturador.
Nowadays, no one should be able to set themselves up at one and the same time as accuser, defender, judge and executioner – you might as well say torturer.
Proponemos que recaiga la carga de la prueba sobre el acusado y hay enmiendas incluso que atribuyen la presunción de inocencia al acusador y no al acusado.
We propose to put the burden of proof on the defendant, and we even have amendments that would further pass the benefit of doubt to the accuser and not to the accused.
accusatory{adj.} [form.] [idiom]
accusing{adj.} [idiom] (stare, tone)
Pero no estemos señalando siempre con el dedo acusador a otros.
But we should not always be pointing an accusing finger at others.
Desde luego, no podemos apuntar con un dedo acusador a Turquía.
We cannot, of course, point an accusing finger only at Turkey.
Nadie que presente unas cifras poco sólidas puede señalar con el dedo a otros en tono acusador.
Anyone who submits unsound figures cannot point accusing fingers at anybody else.

Context examples for "acusadora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¡Juro por la voz acusadora en la conciencia del hombre
I swear by (or call to witness) the self-accusing soul.
me dirigió una mirada acusadora
she gave me an accusing look