
"press briefing" in Spanish

Context examples for "press briefing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Press Briefing Document MWC 2013
Dossier de prensa MWC 2013
I cannot stress too firmly that you should have come to discuss them with Parliament before briefing the press.
No tengo palabras para expresar con suficiente firmeza que debería usted haber venido a hablar de ellas con el Parlamento antes de informar a la prensa.
That appears to be the case, but can you confirm that you held a press briefing this morning, while the groups ' press conferences were going on?
Parece que es cierto, pero¿puede confirmar que esta mañana ha dado un " briefing " de prensa mientras tenían lugar las conferencias de prensa de los presidentes de los Grupos políticos?