
"pregunta difícil" in English

"pregunta difícil" in English

Context examples for "pregunta difícil" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, señor diputado, la primera pregunta es muy difícil de responder.
Madam President, the honourable gentleman's first question can be answered only with great difficulty.
.- (SV) Ésa es una pregunta de muy difícil respuesta.
That is a very difficult question to answer.
No le formularé ninguna pregunta difícil esta tarde. No está mal, creo yo.
As the proposal is rather complex, I will not ask you any difficult questions this evening, which is just as well, I think.
Todo esto plantea una pregunta difícil:¿controla el Gobierno turco todas las instituciones del Estado turco?
All this raises a difficult question: does the Turkish Government have control over all the institutions of the Turkish state?
Todo esto plantea una pregunta difícil: ¿controla el Gobierno turco todas las instituciones del Estado turco?
All this raises a difficult question: does the Turkish Government have control over all the institutions of the Turkish state?
le cayó una pregunta muy difícil
he got a really difficult question
Esta es una pregunta muy difícil.
This is a very difficult issue.
Esta es la difícil pregunta que hemos tenido que responder con la adopción del informe Rapkay sobre las ayudas estatales para facilitar el cierre de las minas de carbón no competitivas.
That is the difficult question we had to answer with the adoption of the Rapkay report on State aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines.
Señor Bösch, usted me ha planteado una pregunta muy difícil, a saber, si estaríamos dispuestos a aceptar que la OLAF estuviese vinculada de algún modo al Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo.
Mr Bösch, your question concerning whether we would be prepared to accept OLAF being affiliated to the European Court of Auditors in some way was a very difficult one.