
"no obstante" in English

no obstante{adverb}
No obstante, estos incentivos deben concederse basándose en criterios transparentes.
However, these incentives must be granted on the basis of transparent criteria.
No obstante, es legítimo preguntarse si este reglamento era necesario.
It is a legitimate question, however, whether this regulation was even necessary.
No obstante, la aplicación de la legislación presenta graves deficiencias.
However, there are serious gaps in the implementation of legislation.
No obstante, este dato es necesario para que el Parlamento debata sobre el tema.
Nevertheless the information is necessary for a Parliament discussing the subject.
No obstante, es necesario diferenciar entre contaminación deliberada y accidental.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to differentiate between intentional and accidental pollution.
No obstante, para el desarrollo de las zonas rurales aisladas, no es suficiente.
Nevertheless, this is not enough for the development of isolated rural areas.
No obstante, es evidente que han dado forma a la Asociación Económica Transatlántica.
Nonetheless they have certainly informed the transatlantic economic partnership.
No obstante, nos preocupa favorecer la transferencia de estos datos.
We are nonetheless concerned about facilitating the transfer of this data.
No obstante, es importante que expresemos nuevamente nuestra indignación.
It is nonetheless important that we express our indignation once again today.
notwithstanding{adv.} [form.]
No obstante, se trata de un informe positivo, tal como refleja la resolución del Parlamento.
Notwithstanding, it is a good report, as reflected by Parliament's resolution.
No obstante lo dispuesto en los anexos I y II, los países de la UE podrán:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Annexes I and II, EU countries have the right to:
No obstante lo dispuesto en los párrafos primero, segundo y tercero:
Notwithstanding the first, second and third paragraphs:
no obstante{conjunction}
No obstante, se debería reconocer que, aunque lentamente, se están realizando progresos.
However, progress is being made, albeit slowly, and should be acknowledged.
He de aclarar, no obstante, aunque con la mayor cautela, que los daños no fueron considerables.
However, I must say, albeit with the greatest of care, that the damage was not extensive.
No obstante, compete a los Estados miembros fijar y recaudar las cargas impositivas, aunque dentro de un marco común.
However, it is up to the Member States to set and levy charges, albeit in a common framework.
No obstante, se trata de un informe positivo, tal como refleja la resolución del Parlamento.
Notwithstanding, it is a good report, as reflected by Parliament's resolution.
No obstante lo dispuesto en los anexos I y II, los países de la UE podrán:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Annexes I and II, EU countries have the right to:
No obstante lo dispuesto en los párrafos primero, segundo y tercero:
Notwithstanding the first, second and third paragraphs:
no obstante{preposition}
A pesar de su importancia, estas acciones son, no obstante, insuficientes.
Despite being important, these actions are, nevertheless, insufficient.
No obstante, a pesar de eso, apoyaré este acuerdo de cooperación de tercera generación.
However, despite that, I will support this third-generation cooperation agreement.
No obstante, podría resultar útil si lográramos introducir avances al menos en tres ámbitos.
Despite this it could be useful if we could move forward in at least three areas.
notwithstanding{prp.} [form.]
No obstante, se trata de un informe positivo, tal como refleja la resolución del Parlamento.
Notwithstanding, it is a good report, as reflected by Parliament's resolution.
No obstante lo dispuesto en los anexos I y II, los países de la UE podrán:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Annexes I and II, EU countries have the right to:
No obstante lo dispuesto en los párrafos primero, segundo y tercero:
Notwithstanding the first, second and third paragraphs:

Synonyms (Spanish) for "no obstante":
Similar translations for "no obstante" in English
Context examples for "no obstante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No obstante, antes de esto deben cumplir ciertos criterios, que deben mantenerse.
I reaffirm my belief that Bulgaria and Romania should become members of the EU.
Ahora tenemos, no obstante, otra Comisión distinta y esto abre nuevas oportunidades.
We now have a different Commission, though, and that opens up new opportunities.
A este respecto, no obstante, es preciso advertir sobre algunas desviaciones.
In this respect, there is some malpractice, and this should be guarded against.
No obstante, no debemos cortar las alas de antemano a la Autoridad Europea.
But we should not render the European Authority powerless right from the outset.
No obstante, debemos apretar todos los frenos para resistir a esta tendencia.
We should, though, pull out all the stops to ensure that this trend is bucked.
No obstante, el problema solo se puede solucionar en el nivel geográfico más bajo.
The problem can, in fact, only be solved at the lowest possible geographical level.
Creo, no obstante, que no se ha entendido bien lo que queremos decir con eso.
We also know that the EU has adopted many rules to eradicate dangerous substances.
Se trata no obstante de un tema que sigue pendiente desde la directiva Vredeling.
And that is a subject which has been under discussion since the Vredeling directive.
No obstante, es evidente que deseamos que el proceso de Lisboa sea un proceso social.
One thing, though, is quite clear; we want the Lisbon process to be a social one.
No obstante, poco a poco hay que señalar muchos puntos positivos en el sector.
But increasingly, we can also point to many positive developments within the sector.
No obstante, se da cuenta que hoy no basta la missio ad gentes en el sentido clásico.
But he realized that today “missio ad gentes” in the classic sense is not enough.
La acción emprendida en ese contexto presenta, no obstante, un notable interés.
Even so, the action undertaken in this context is of considerable interest.
No obstante, fueron eficaces en términos de crecimiento y de incremento del empleo.
They were effective in terms of growth and an increase in employment, though.
No obstante, la responsabilidad de la Unión Europea tendrá que ir más allá.
The European Union’s responsibility will need to go further than that, though.
No obstante, son a estos retos a los que debe responder la política europea.
It is, though, to challenges such as these that European policy must respond.
No obstante, quisiera recordar a Sus Señorías qué supuso el Plan Marshall para Europa.
I would like to remind everyone, though, what the Marshall Plan meant for Europe.
No obstante, tendrán que cumplir una amplia serie de requisitos y normas.
But they will have to comply with a comprehensive set of requirements and rules.
No obstante, espero que usted mismo también tenga en cuenta nuestras consideraciones.
I do hope that you yourself will be prepared to reflect on our considerations.
No obstante, parece que lo máximo que vamos a conseguir es un aumento hasta el 8%.
It would appear, though, that the best we are likely to manage is an increase to 8%.
Permítanme, no obstante, señalar algunas consideraciones que acaban de exponerse.
But I would like to qualify some of the comments that have just been made.