
"no lo sé" in English

"no lo sé" in English
¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo !
I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!
aún no lo , me lo voy a pensar
I don't know yet, I'm going to think about it
no lo y la verdad es que no me importa
I don't know and I honestly don't care

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Context examples for "no lo sé" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debo admitir que no lo : quizás otros están mejor informados que yo.
I have to admit that I do not know: perhaps others are better informed.
Dijo sobre las bases,« No lo , no entraba dentro de la pregunta».
You said about the bases, 'I do n't know, it was n't in the question '.
Esta vez, señor diputado, me ha puesto en un aprieto:¡no lo !
This time the honourable Member has me in difficulties, because I do not know the answer.
Tal vez pensó que no merecía la pena encontrarse conmigo, no lo .
Maybe he did not think I was worth coming to see; I do not know.
No lo , pero imagino que lo que dijo mi portavoz es cierto.
I do not know, but I suspect that what my spokesperson said is right.
Probablemente no lo ha hecho, o lo ha hecho mal, no lo .
It has probably not done so or has done so inefficiently, I do not know.
No lo se lo decimos a los nuevos países sino a nosotros mismos.
This is not so much intended for the new countries as it is for us.
Quizá exista un lobby maoísta en la Comisión Europea, no lo .
Perhaps there is a Maoist lobby at the Commission, I do not know.
. - (SL) No lo ; a veces se enciende y a veces no.
President-in-Office. - (SL) I still do not know; sometimes it switches itself on and sometimes it doesn't.
Señor Posselt, si esto tiene que hacerse en Deggendorf, no lo .
I do not know whether it has to be in Deggendorf, Mr Posselt.
No lo , pero ciertamente una unidad de medida podría ser el reto al que nos enfrentamos en común.
I do not know, but one benchmark we could certainly use is the challenge we must take up together.
Tal vez no guste a Su Señoría la cocina lionesa, no lo .
Perhaps Lyonnais cuisine is not to your taste, I would not know.
No lo , quizá fue un error que luchásemos por Macedonia, o quizá no.
I do not know; perhaps we were wrong to campaign for the Agreement in the way we did, or perhaps we were right.
Perfecto… o al menos es lo que creo, porque no lo .
Perfect … or at least that is what I think, for I do not know.
Así que no voy a decir quién debería formar parte de ella o cómo debería funcionar, puesto que no lo .
I am not, therefore, going to say who would be part of it or how it would work, because I do not know.
Quizás se hayan entregado directamente a la UE, no lo , pero habría que investigarlo.
But I do think it should be looked into.
Después de haber oído al señor Kirkhope, ya no lo .
Having heard what Mr Kirkhope had to say, I no longer know.
(FR) Señora Presidenta, no lo , no he dicho nada antes de 2011, ¿por qué la situación se ha degradado?
(FR) Madam President, I do not know, I have said nothing before 2011, why has the situation deteriorated?
No lo , pero en cualquier caso, tenemos que debatirlo.
I do not know, but, in any case, we have to discuss it.
No lo , no lo tengo aquí, evidentemente, y le voy a informar de qué ha sucedido a ese respecto.
I am not sure because I do not have it with me, of course, and I will let her know what happened on this matter.