
"them" in Spanish

"them" in Spanish
them(also: that)
Lampedusa is simply one more of those cases, and we must ensure that there are no more of them.
Lampedusa es simplemente uno de esos ejemplos que deberíamos evitar que se repitan.
They are the enemy, therefore beware of them; the curse of Allah be on them.
Esos son los [verdaderos] enemigos [de toda fe], tened pues cuidado con ellos.
We can agree with them or not, but these principles were only decided on by them.
Podemos estar de acuerdo o no con ellos, pero esos principios fueron decididos sólo por ellos.
them(also: that)
It is these signs that we are turning to, to point them out, embrace them and encourage them.
A esas señales nos dirigimos para indicarlas, abrazarlas y alentarlas.
Can this now be regarded as setting a precedent for all of them?
¿Podemos considerar esta solución como precedente para esas otras especialidades?
In all conscience, Mr President, we cannot disappoint them.
En conciencia, señor Presidente, Señorías, no podíamos defraudar esas esperanzas.
ellos{pron. m pl}
We can agree with them or not, but these principles were only decided on by them.
Podemos estar de acuerdo o no con ellos, pero esos principios fueron decididos sólo por ellos.
We are dependent on them for many things, and they are dependent on us.
Nosotros dependemos de ellos para muchas cosas, y ellos dependen de nosotros.
I have therefore noted them, and I will give them some thought.
Por consiguiente, he tomado nota de ellos y reflexionaré acerca de ellos.
them(also: you)
You forced them to strip naked and then you blindfolded them and tied their hands.
Les has obligado a desnudarse y luego les has vendado los ojos y les has atado las manos.
calls them and their Pastors commission them, to go outside their own territory
les llama interiormente y los Pastores les envían, a salir de su propio
You have stripped them not just of money; you have stripped them of their democracy.
Usted no solo les ha quitado el dinero; usted les ha despojado de su democracia.
ellas{pron. f pl}
It may well be that some of them – perhaps even many of them – are superfluous.
Es muy posible que algunas de ellas – quizás incluso muchas de ellas– sean superfluas.
None of them are panaceas and all of them must apply to all continents.
Ninguna de ellas es la panacea y todas ellas deben aplicarse a todo el mundo.
The rapporteur touched on some of them, and I would like to explore them again.
El ponente ya ha esbozado algunas; yo quisiera volver a insistir sobre ellas.
them(also: them, you, you-all)
I should like to ask if the authors of these resolutions are leaving them on the table.
Quisiera saber si los autores de estas resoluciones las van a retirar o no.
In such circumstances, we may not allow women's rights to be taken away from them.
En tales circunstancias, no debemos permitir que se las prive de los derechos que las asisten.
Very few people access them, look them up or use them, because of the time lag.
Muy pocas personas acceden a ellas, las consultan o las utilizan debido al retraso de su publicación.
them(also: them, you, you-all)
the rest of humanity, seeking to understand them and to interpret them in the
compartiendo las experiencias de la humanidad e intentando entenderlas e
of Latin American piety to purify them and integrate them appropriately in
evangelizar continuamente las manifestaciones populares latinoamericanas para
The reactions to them are quite legitimate and we must together find an answer to them.
Las reacciones a las mismas son muy legítimas y juntos debemos encontrarles respuesta.
them(also: them, you, you-all)
I should like to ask if the authors of these resolutions are leaving them on the table.
Quisiera saber si los autores de estas resoluciones las van a retirar o no.
In such circumstances, we may not allow women's rights to be taken away from them.
En tales circunstancias, no debemos permitir que se las prive de los derechos que las asisten.
Very few people access them, look them up or use them, because of the time lag.
Muy pocas personas acceden a ellas, las consultan o las utilizan debido al retraso de su publicación.
them(also: them, you, you-all)
the rest of humanity, seeking to understand them and to interpret them in the
compartiendo las experiencias de la humanidad e intentando entenderlas e
of Latin American piety to purify them and integrate them appropriately in
evangelizar continuamente las manifestaciones populares latinoamericanas para
The reactions to them are quite legitimate and we must together find an answer to them.
Las reacciones a las mismas son muy legítimas y juntos debemos encontrarles respuesta.
You cannot continue to shut them out and blame them for non-cooperation.
No se puede seguir cerrándoles la puerta y culparles de falta de colaboración.
assigns to them as assistants, and should help them fraternally, so that they
colaboradores; ayúdenlos fraternamente de manera que no se sientan
Do not ignore them or, at the very least, do not make fun of them.
Que no se les dé la espalda o, por lo menos, que no se haga burla de ellos.
You cannot continue to shut them out and blame them for non-cooperation.
No se puede seguir cerrándoles la puerta y culparles de falta de colaboración.
assigns to them as assistants, and should help them fraternally, so that they
colaboradores; ayúdenlos fraternamente de manera que no se sientan
Do not ignore them or, at the very least, do not make fun of them.
Que no se les dé la espalda o, por lo menos, que no se haga burla de ellos.

Context examples for "them" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
. - Mr President, I think it would be better if we circulated them later.
autora. - Señor Presidente, creo que sería mejor que los divulgáramos más tarde.
The citizens of Europe and the parliaments that represent them are the winners.
Los ganadores son los ciudadanos de Europa y los Parlamentos que los representan.
So our continent will have to rethink its rules rather than simply tidy them up.
Nuestro continente debe, pues, reorganizar sus normas y no simplemente retocarlas.
The Member States must do something about this: we should remind them to do so.
Los Estados miembros deben hacer algo al respecto y nosotros debemos recordárselo.
You speak fine words to the people, but your deeds are directed against them.
Utilizan palabras bonitas con la gente, pero sus acciones van en contra de ella.
I have therefore spent the last five minutes trying to put them together again.
Así que he pasado los últimos cinco minutos intentando ponerlas de nuevo en orden.
As I have said, many women await our commitment and we cannot disappoint them.
Como digo, muchas mujeres esperan nuestro compromiso y no podemos defraudarlas.
shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute?
¿Y voy a tomar yo los miembros de Cristo para hacerlos miembros de una meretriz?
canon on catechists involved in strictly missionary activity and describes them
de los catequistas comprometidos en la actividad misionera propiamente dicha y
UNESCO, to FAO and elsewhere), the Church must at the same time examine them in
FAO y en otras partes) la Iglesia debe examinarlas al mismo tiempo a la luz de
We expelled them then and we continue to reject what Mr Haider stands for now.
Lo expulsamos entonces y seguimos oponiéndonos a lo que defiende el Sr. Haider.
Mr President, I do not think we need to discuss these amendments or vote on them.
Señor Presidente, me parece innecesario conservar y votar por estas enmiendas.
The European Union has not only made statements, but it has also acted upon them.
De cualquier modo, la Unión Europea no ha escatimado esfuerzos a ese respecto.
They have no legal recognition and there is no system in place to protect them.
Carecen de reconocimiento legal y no existe ningún sistema para su protección.
I think taking these appropriations and putting them in the reserve is demagogy.
Creo que tomar estos créditos y ponerlos en la reserva sí es hacer demagogia.
all that worrying about them and then they go and accuse you of being a meddler!
¡tanto preocuparse por ellos para que después hasta te acusen de metomentodo!
We recommend that your presidency of the Council pays particular attention to them.
Rogamos que durante su Presidencia del Consejo le dedique una especial atención.
To enable them to do so, we need a legislative framework and legal certainty.
Para permitirles hacerlo necesitamos un marco legislativo y seguridad jurídica.
That is entirely for them, but they must be free to elect whomsoever they wish.
Eso es asunto suyo, pero tienen que tener la libertad para elegir a quienes deseen.
Such crimes, and the criminals who perpetrated them, must not go unpunished.
Ni esos crímenes ni los criminales que los perpetraron deben permanecer impunes.