
"I don't know" in Spanish

"I don't know" in Spanish
no lo sé[coll.]
I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!
¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo !
I don't know yet, I'm going to think about it
aún no lo , me lo voy a pensar
I don't know and I honestly don't care
no lo y la verdad es que no me importa

Similar translations for "I don't know" in Spanish
I- i
T- t
Context examples for "I don't know" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I don't know, I might even give it all to charity
¿qué harías con el dinero? — no sé, quizás hasta lo donaba todo a obras de beneficencia
I don't know how you can work with all those bits of metal jangling on your arm
no sé cómo puedes trabajar con toda esa quincalla en el brazo
I don't know how an apparently intelligent woman can behave like that
no sé cómo una mujer aparentemente inteligente puede comportarse así
I don't know, let's try it and see
¿qué pasa si aprietas este botón? — no sé, hagamos la prueba
thank you for your help: I don't know how to make it up to you
gracias por tu ayuda, no sé cómo podré pagarte lo que has hecho
I don't know, just some little thing
¿qué le vas a regalar? — no sé, cualquier chorrada
I don't know why you're asking me, you seem to have all the answers
no sé para qué me preguntas, si tú te lo dices todo
I don't know how he can still find it in him to try again
no entiendo cómo aún le quedan ánimos de volver a intentarlo
I don't know how she does it, but she always manages to arrive late
no sé cómo se las arregla que siempre llega tarde
I don't know for sure, but I can give you a fair idea
no estoy seguro pero te puedo dar una idea bastante aproximada
I don't know where she gets it from, it certainly isn't from me
no sé por qué es así, desde luego no ha salido a mí
I don't know how she manages to work and study as well
no sé cómo se las compone para trabajar y estudiar a la vez
I don't know if I'll be able to go — you mean you're not going
no sé si voy a poder ir — es decir que no vas a ir
I don't know how she manages it, but I always end up losing
no sé cómo se lo monta, pero siempre acabo perdiendo
I imagine it's a lovely city, though I don't know it
presumo que es una ciudad preciosa, aunque no la conozco
I don't know, it can't seem to make up its mind
¿va a llover? — no sé, no se decide
I was very sure about it, but now I don't know what to think
estaba muy segura pero ya no sé qué pensar
I don't know how they manage to live on that salary
no me explico cómo hacen para vivir con ese sueldo
I don't know if she liked it, but she made all the right noises
no sé si le gustó, pero fue muy cortés
I'm out of my element and I don't know what I'm doing
me han sacado de mi elemento y no sé lo que hago