
"net pay" in Spanish

"net pay" in Spanish

Context examples for "net pay" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We need small and medium-sized enterprises that specialise in this segment and we must make it possible for them to make a profit in this area and to pay higher net wages.
Necesitamos pequeñas y medianas empresas especializadas en este segmento, y tenemos que hacer posible que obtengan beneficios en este sector y paguen salarios netos más altos.
Swedish taxpayers, who also pay net amounts into the European Union, are in fact at a loss to understand the madness of travelling backwards and forwards with thousands of cases every month.
Los suecos, que son contribuyentes netos a la Unión, no pueden entender cómo es posible hacer algo tan absurdo como viajar, ida y vuelta, todos los meses, con miles de cajas.