
"lack of stability" in Spanish

"lack of stability" in Spanish

Context examples for "lack of stability" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
According to the evidence, the euro zone’s problem is not a lack of stability but a lack of growth.
Evidentemente, el problema de la zona del euro no es la falta de estabilidad, sino la falta de crecimiento.
According to the evidence, the euro zone’ s problem is not a lack of stability but a lack of growth.
Evidentemente, el problema de la zona del euro no es la falta de estabilidad, sino la falta de crecimiento.
The lack of stability and the continuing violence led to the dramatic flight of some 140'000 citizens of third countries from Libya in the spring of 2011.
La falta de estabilidad y la continua violencia provocaron en la primavera de 2011 la dramática huida de Libia de unos 140.000 ciudadanos de terceros países.
It is ruled by a dictator who deems his own power and privileges more important than the lack of stability of his country and the suffering of his own people.
Impera un dictador que encuentra más importante su propio poder y privilegios que la desestabilización de su país y el sufrimiento de su propia población.
Both deaths are linked to the political conflict in Guinea-Bissau, which has been going on for many years and has led to tragedy and a lack of stability in the country.
Ambas muertes están relacionadas con el conflicto político en Guinea-Bissau, que durante muchos años ha dado lugar a la tragedia y la falta de estabilidad en el país.
The lack of stability leads to problems involving terrorism, poverty, corruption, weak political institutions, illicit trade, emigration and the risk of ethnic conflicts.
La falta de estabilidad lleva a problemas de terrorismo, pobreza, corrupción, instituciones políticas débiles, tráfico ilegal, emigración y riesgo de enfrentamientos étnicos.