
"estar atento" in English

"estar atento" in English
estar atento a algo
to pay attention to sth

Context examples for "estar atento" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es la razón por la cual hay que estar muy atento a los signos precursores.
That is why we must pay careful attention to the early warning signs.
Pero usted deber estar atento y ser justo, señor Presidente.
But you should watch and be fair, Mr President.
No obstante, creo que el Parlamento Europeo debe estar atento a la gestión y al seguimiento de este acuerdo.
I believe that this framework agreement, this free trade agreement, gives the European textile industries some breathing space.
El Consejo debe estar mucho más atento: cumplid los acuerdos existentes, solucionad los problemas que se alzan ante vosotros.
The Council must be much more up-front and say: fulfil the existing agreements and solve the immediate problems.
No obstante, creo que el Parlamento Europeo debe estar atento a la gestión y al seguimiento de este acuerdo.
I nevertheless believe that the European Parliament is duty bound to monitor carefully the management and the follow-up of that agreement.
estar atento a algo
to be on the alert for sth
estar atento a algo
to pay attention to sth
estar atento a algo
to be watchful for sth
estar atento a algo
to be alert to sth
(110) Sin embargo, se debe estar atento a interpretaciones demasiado extensivas y evitar conceder tal facultad de modo habitual.
(110) Care should be taken however to avoid too extensive an interpretation of this provision and such a faculty should not be conceded in an habitual form.
Finalmente, son los beneficios de la actividad los que autorizan el crecimiento y conviene estar muy atento a la evolución de los salarios y de los déficits.
Finally, it is increased productivity which leads to growth and we should remain very attentive to developments in wages and deficits.
Por lo tanto, todo lo que quiero decir es que, en el futuro, deberá estar más atento.
Mr President, it is not much use me speaking once the vote has happened, so all I want to say is that you need to keep more of an eye out in future.
A mi marido le gusta estar atento a las previsiones meteorológicas; perderse una ocasión en que el sol sale durante un par de minutos sería una catástrofe para él.
My husband likes to keep his eye on the weather forecast just in case there's a two-minute sliver of sunshine in the day that he might possibly miss. That would be tragic.
Como explica Scott Holmgren, director técnico: “Siempre hay que estar atento a las tecnologías emergentes, a su evolución, y adaptar tus instalaciones en función de ello”.
As Scott Holmgren, Technical Director, explains, “you always have to see what the emerging technologies are going to be and keep building the facility around that.”
Para ello, conviene estar atento a las nubes en el horizonte: he de decir concretamente que la Comisión de Presupuestos ha votado hoy su posición en cuanto al Reglamento Financiero.
We must therefore watch out for clouds on the horizon, and I am referring specifically to the fact that the Committee on Budgets today voted on its position on the financial regulation.