
"that's another story" in Spanish

"that's another story" in English

Similar translations for "that's another story" in Spanish
Context examples for "that's another story" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Unfortunately, those on the receiving end of such treatment tell another story.
Por desgracia, los que se encuentran al otro extremo cuentan una historia bien diferente.
I would like to tell you another story, which does not have such a happy ending.
Quisiera contarles otra historia que no tiene un final feliz.
We clearly find these historic moments difficult, but that is another story.
Resulta evidente que estos momentos históricos nos deparan dificultades, pero esa es otra historia.
Now, why there is Spanish territory in Morocco is another story.
Ahora bien, la razón de que exista un territorio español en Marruecos es otra historia.
Whether EUR 2 million will suffice is another story.
Otra historia es sí son suficientes 2 millones de euros.
later on she hit the bottle, but that's another story
más tarde empezó a beber, pero eso es otro cuento
But, as Kipling would say, that is another story.
Pero ésto, como diría Kipling, es otra historia.
How and why both these statutes, which were made law 25 years ago, have to a great extent not been put into force is another story.
El cómo y por qué estos dos actos legislativos, fijados hace 25 años, no se han aplicado nunca es otra historia.
How we get there is another story.
Cómo conseguirlo, es otro problema.
That is another story, however.
Pero eso es otra historia.
At that time, I would, however, have wished for a similarly clear position from Mr Markov and others, although that is another story.
En aquel entonces también hubiera deseado una postura clara similar por parte del Sr. Markov y compañía, pero esa es otra historia.
But that is another story.
¡Pero eso es otra historia!
But that is another story.
Pero eso es otra historia.
Steel is another story.
El acero es otra historia.
that's another story
eso es harina de otro costal
But if one looks at the execution itself - especially looking back at that execution through time and along the full decision-making chain - it is another story.
Pero si miramos la propia ejecución -sobre todo analizando esa ejecución en el tiempo y a lo largo de toda la cadena de toma de decisiones- entonces esa es otra historia.