
"embargar bienes" in English

"embargar bienes" in English

Context examples for "embargar bienes" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Él consideró que era un insulto a la profesión militar el que se pudieran embargar los bienes de los militares.
He believed that attachment of the assets of military personnel was an insult to the military profession.
Ante su imposibilidad de pagar un recibo o una multa, la justicia sabe ser despiadada con los pobres, hasta el punto de embargar sus escasos bienes.
Justice can be merciless towards the poor who are unable to pay a tax or a fine, and will even go so far as to seize their meagre belongings.
Con el fin de obligar a pagar de inmediato a los monopolios petroleros culpables de estos hechos, es preciso embargar todos sus bienes situados en la Unión Europea.
In order to force the guilty oil companies to do this, we must confiscate all their assets within the European Union, to make them pay immediately.