
"dumbly" in Spanish

gafo{m} [coll.]
We must not allow Europe to remain deaf and dumb to all this.
No podemos permitir que Europa permanezca sorda y muda ante todo esto.
But clearly this commitment should not make us deaf and dumb on the question of Chechnya.
Pero es evidente que con este compromiso no deberíamos quedarnos sordos y mudos ante la cuestión de Chechenia.
Deaf, dumb, blind, and they shall not return!
sordos, mudos, ciegos --y no pueden volver.
tonto{adj. m}
how dumb can you get?!
¿cómo puedes ser tan tonto?
as dumb as an ox
más tonto que un palo
to play dumb
hacerse el tonto
dumb(also: stupid, fool)
lerdo{adj. m} [coll.]
burra{adj. f}
dumb(also: dopey)
agilipollado{adj.} [Spa.] [coll.]
dumb(also: dim, dopey)
ahuevado{adj.} [Chile] [vulg.]
dumb(also: dim, dopey)
ahuevonado{adj.} [Chile] [vulg.]
dumb(also: dense, thick)
asno{adj.} [coll.]
dumb(also: stupid)
babieca{adj.} [coll.]
dumb(also: dense)
bembón{adj.} [Mex.] [coll.] (estúpido)
bembudo{adj.} (estúpido)
buey{adj.} [Mex.] [coll.]
dumb(also: thick)
ceporro{adj.} [coll.]
dundo{adj.} [Ven.] [coll.]
duro{adj.} [coll.] (torpe)
gafo{adj.} [Ven.] [coll.] (estúpido)
gaznápiro{adj.} [coll.]
dumb(also: silly, daft)
gili{adj.} [Spa.] [coll.]
dumb(also: silly, daft)
jili{adj.} [Spa.] [coll.]
dumb(also: silly, daft)
gilipuertas{adj.} [Spa.] [coll.]
dumb(also: silly, daft)
jilipuertas{adj.} [Spa.] [coll.]
guanaco{adj.} [LAm.] [coll.]
huevón{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.] (tonto, estúpido)
he's so dumb
es tan huevón
leso{adj.} [Chile] [coll.]
memo{adj.} [coll.]
nabo{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.]
simplón{adj.} [coll.]
dumb(also: thick)
tapado{adj.} [Col.] (torpe)
dumb(also: dense, thick)
tarúpido{adj.} [S. Cone] [coll.]
vaca{adj.} [Chile] [coll.]
dumb(also: stupid)
zapallo{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.]
dumb(also: stupid)
burro{adj.} [coll.] (ignorante)
dumb(also: dense, thick)
cojonudo{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.] (tonto)
dumb(also: silly)
pavo{adj.} [coll.] (tonto, bobo)
dumb(also: stupid)
pavote{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.]
pazguato{adj.} [coll.]
dumb(also: thick)
pendejo{adj.} [LAm.] [coll.] (estúpido)
dumb(also: stupid)
zote{adj.} [coll.]
bobo{adj.} [coll.]
to act dumb
hacerse el bobo
how dumb can you get?!
¿cómo puedes ser tan bobo?

Synonyms (English) for "dumbly":
Context examples for "dumbly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ladies and gentlemen, the European Parliament has stripped off most of its own clothes and is today discovering dumbly that it is walking the streets quite naked.
El Parlamento Europeo, Señorías, se ha desvestido solo y ahora descubre atónito que va por las calles totalmente desnudo.