
"born again" in Spanish

"born again" in Spanish
nacido{adj. m}
his Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, to redeem those who were
tiempo, envió Dios a su Hijo, nacido de una mujer, nacido bajo la
"when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born
« al llegar la plenitud de los tiempos, envió Dios a su Hijo, nacido de mujer,
I am very happy I was born, and I am sure my colleagues are happy that they were born.
Yo estoy muy contento de haber nacido, y estoy seguro de que mis colegas están también contentos de haber nacido.
nacida{adj. f}
The Annan Plan is a good plan, but it is a solution born of reason.
El Plan Annan es un buen plan, pero se trata de una solución nacida del raciocinio.
born, that is, in whatever manner it may be, of the Holy Spirit, and of itself
solamente espiritual, en cuanto nacida del Espíritu Santo y
Treaties are based on mistrust born of past experience.
Los tratados se basan en la desconfianza nacida de la experiencia del pasado.
born(also: natural)
she's a born organizer
tiene un talento nato para organizar
he's a born salesman
es un vendedor nato
he's a born loser
es un perdedor nato

Synonyms (English) for "born":
Context examples for "born again" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He took me in his arms and said "Mama, it is as though I am being born into this life again”.
Él me estrechó entre sus brazos y me dijo: "Madre, es como si hubiera vuelto a nacer".
a born-again monetarist
un recién llegado al monetarismo
Jesus also invited him to be born again (cf.
Jesús le reveló la naturaleza de su misión, el amor del Padre a los hombres y su propia identidad, invitándolo a nacer de nuevo (cf.
born-again Christian
cristiano renacido
born-again Christian
cristiana renacida