
"to astound" in Spanish

"to astound" in Spanish
I have certainly been astounded to hear one or two speakers say that we need daughter directives.
Francamente, me asombra mucho oírles decir a algunos que necesitamos directivas derivadas.
On the substance, I am astounded by what is said in paragraph 2 of the report, on the one hand, and then in paragraph 3, on the other.
Sobre el fondo, me asombra lo que se dice, por una parte, en el párrafo 2 del informe y, por otra, en el párrafo 3.
If I did, I would work it out for you and you would be astounded at the possibilities it encompasses.
Si lo tuviera, les presentaría los cálculos y se quedarían asombrados al comprobar las posibilidades que ofrece.

Context examples for "to astound" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to astound sb.
anonadar a alg.
For the rest, it never fails to astound me just how united Europeans are on the question of climate change and the measures needed to counter it.
Por lo demás, siempre me sorprende comprobar cómo los europeos se comportan en esta cuestión del cambio climático y cómo están de acuerdo en las medidas contra dicho cambio.