
"aturdir" in English

aturdir[aturdiendo · aturdido] {transitive verb}
Por ello, simplemente me siento allí, aturdido y confundido por los rectángulos en cascada que se esparcen frente a mis ojos como una baraja de cartas diseminadas sobre una mesa.
So I’ll just sit there, dazed and confused by the cascading rectangles that spread out before my eyes like a deck of playing cards scattered on a table.
Telicia y yo estabamos muy allegados a David y su familia, la sonrisa de Telicia se convirtió en una expresión aturdida como la mia.
As both Telicia and I were very close to David (we were like his family), Telicia’s smile then turned into a blank daze like mine.
Por ello, simplemente me siento allí, aturdido y confundido por los rectángulos en cascada que se esparcen frente a mis ojos como una baraja de cartas diseminadas sobre una mesa.
So I’ll just sit there, dazed and confused by the cascading rectangles that spread out before my eyes like a deck of playing cards scattered on a table.
to stun {vb}
Así pues no creo que los animales estén siendo tratados con crueldad si no son aturdidos una vez se les ha degollado.
I do not therefore believe that animals are being treated cruelly if they are not stunned after their throats are cut.
Hasta ahora parece que Frontex ha sido simplemente una agencia demasiado aturdida como para hacer algo ante la enormidad de la crisis que afronta.
Until now, it seems that Frontex has simply been an agency that has been too stunned to take action, due to the enormity of the crisis facing it.
De hecho, los pollos no quedan totalmente aturdidos, de modo que se les sumerge vivos en agua caliente: los escaldan para poder desplumarlos.
In fact, the chickens are not completely stunned, with the result that they are plunged into hot water while they are still alive: they are boiled so that they can be plucked.
Si se sigue el debate en muchos de los países miembros, queda claro que estos acontecimientos aturden a muchos ciudadanos.
Judging from the debate in a number of Member States, many people are clearly rather bewildered by the debate.