
"as soon as" in Spanish

"as soon as" in Spanish
as soon as{conjunction}
as soon as{adverb}
en cuanto{adv.}
As soon as we get the chance, as soon as the legal framework is in place, we will move.
En cuanto tengamos la oportunidad, en cuanto exista el marco jurídico, actuaremos al respecto.
They will be reviewed annually and replaced as soon as they reach completion.
Serán revisadas anualmente y sustituidas por otras en cuanto se completen.
As soon as a critical article is written, the newspapers are threatened with closure.
La prensa es amenazada con el cierre en cuanto escribe un artículo crítico.
as soon as{conjunction}
apenas{conj.} [LAm.] (en cuanto)
As soon as the rapporteur arrives, she will be given the floor.
Apenas llegue la ponente, se le dará la palabra.
But Roma hardly benefited, and moved to the West as soon as they were allowed to.
Empero, los romaníes apenas se beneficiaron, y se trasladaron a Europa Occidental tan pronto como pudieron.
to let me know as soon as you've finished
apenas termines, me avisas
They are working on such a proposal and will present it as soon as possible.
Están trabajando sobre dicha propuesta, y la presentarán tan pronto como sea posible.
It is of great importance that we apply the agreement as soon as is feasible.
Es de suma importancia que apliquemos este acuerdo tan pronto como sea posible.
religious and laity of that cherished community, which I hope to meet as soon as
amada comunidad, con la que espero poder encontrarme tan pronto como la divina

Similar translations for "as soon as" in Spanish
Context examples for "as soon as" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
religious and laity of that cherished community, which I hope to meet as soon as
amada comunidad, con la que espero poder encontrarme tan pronto como la divina
This intolerable state of affairs must be brought to an end as soon as possible.
Debe ponerse fin de la forma más rápida posible a esta intolerable situación.
The status of Kosovo must be resolved as soon as possible, and within this year.
El estatuto de Kosovo debe resolverse lo antes posible, y dentro de este año.
This report is to be produced as soon as possible, and by no later than May 2009.
Este informe debe realizarse lo antes posible, y a más tardar en mayo de 2009.
Even if the dictator falls soon, the arrogant nature of this action will remain.
Aunque el dictador caiga pronto, la naturaleza arrogante de esta acción permanecerá.
Can the Commissioner assure me that ‘ in future ’ means as soon as possible?
¿Me puede garantizar el Comisario que« en el futuro» significa lo antes posible?
It is of great importance that we apply the agreement as soon as is feasible.
Es de suma importancia que apliquemos este acuerdo tan pronto como sea posible.
Ladies and gentlemen, new Members will soon revitalise the work of Parliament.
Señorías, los nuevos miembros no tardarán en revitalizar el trabajo del Parlamento.
The important thing is that we allow them to join the euro area as soon as possible.
Lo importante es que les permitamos unirse a la zona del euro lo antes posible.
I hope that our parliament will soon return to the topic of pension schemes.
Espero que nuestro Parlamento pronto vuelva al tema de los planes de pensiones.
A decision on this should be taken by the European Commission as soon as possible.
La Comisión Europea debería adoptar una decisión sobre esto lo antes posible.
This must be the objective of all of us, and that objective must be achieved soon.
Éste tiene que ser el objetivo de todos nosotros y debe ser alcanzado pronto.
If for procedural reasons it does not happen, we will convene it as soon as possible.
Si, por cuestiones procedimentales, no se pudiera, lo haríamos lo antes posible.
We simply need to return to the issue of the agenda again as soon as possible.
Pienso, sencillamente, que hay que retomar urgentemente esta cuestión de la agenda.
The countries of the European Union will soon resemble an army on manoeuvres.
Los países de la Unión Europea se parecerán pronto a un ejército de maniobras.
If we want to build a multilingual society we have to start as soon as possible.
Si deseamos construir una sociedad multilingüe, tenemos que comenzar lo antes posible.
I am sure that you will also begin the process of negotiation with Macedonia soon.
Estoy seguro de que también iniciará pronto el proceso de negociación con Macedonia.
Rather, I think that answers must be given as soon as the solution is found.
Creo, por el contrario, que deben darse respuestas en cuanto se halle la solución.
I travelled to Italy, to Foggia, as soon as the so-called work camps were discovered.
Fui a Italia, a Foggia, en cuanto se descubrieron los llamados campos de trabajo.
Can the Commissioner assure me that ‘in future’ means as soon as possible?
¿Me puede garantizar el Comisario que «en el futuro» significa lo antes posible?