
"acostado" in English

acostado{adjective masculine}
to lie[lay; lied · lain; lied] {v.i.} (lie down)
Usted se ha hecho su cama, y ahora tiene que acostarse en ella.
You have made your bed – now you have to lie in it.
Los recintos individuales deben estar construídos de modo que el animal tenga un espacio seco donde acostarse.
Calf pens must be designed to ensure that there is a dry area to lie down on.
para este ejercicio, acostarse boca abajo
for this exercise, lie face down
to retire[retired · retired] {v.i.} [form.] (go to bed)
Desgraciadamente ya no hay ningún contribuyente aquí esta noche, pero estoy seguro de que podemos ocuparnos debidamente de estos asuntos mientras los contribuyentes se preparan para acostarse.
Unfortunately, there are not more tax payers here this evening, but nevertheless I am sure the business can faithfully be undertaken even as they retire to their beds.
to turn in {vb} [coll.] (go to bed)
acostarse con las gallinas
to go to bed with the chickens
Cada uno de los miembros de esta Cámara debería levantarse y acostarse cada día siendo consciente de que un día cualquiera costará, o de que ha costado, al contribuyente 6 400 euros.
Each Member of this House should have to get up and go to bed every day with the thought that he or she will cost, or has cost, the taxpayer EUR 6 400 that day.
Los recintos individuales deben estar construídos de modo que el animal tenga un espacio seco donde acostarse.
Calf pens must be designed to ensure that there is a dry area to lie down on.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "acostado":
Context examples for "acostado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
estuvo acostado tantos meses que se le llagó la espalda
he was in bed for so many months that he got bedsores on his back
ya deberías estar acostado
it's past your bedtime