
"send-off" in Spanish

"send-off" in Spanish
we went to great expense to give her a good send-off
gastamos muchísimo para darle una buena despedida
As a send-off to the departing representative of the Council, I would like to say that he has committed an act of parliamentary cowardice.
A modo de despedida al representante del Consejo, que ahora nos deja, quisiera decirle que ha cometido un acto de cobardía parlamentaria.

Synonyms (English) for "send-off":
Similar translations for "send-off" in Spanish
Context examples for "send-off" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
we went to great expense to give her a good send-off
gastamos muchísimo para darle una buena despedida
I like to send them off with a good breakfast
me gusta que tomen un buen desayuno antes de salir
send off the coupon below
remita el cupón que se acompaña al pie
As a send-off to the departing representative of the Council, I would like to say that he has committed an act of parliamentary cowardice.
A modo de despedida al representante del Consejo, que ahora nos deja, quisiera decirle que ha cometido un acto de cobardía parlamentaria.
to send sb off
mandar a algn a la caseta
to send a player off
expulsar un jugador
In the longer term, though, it will be necessary to combat poverty and mount information campaigns in order to send forced prostitution off the field for good.
A la larga, no obstante, será necesario luchar contra la pobreza y lanzar campañas de información con el fin de acabar definitivamente con la prostitución.
For those who may not be positioned correctly, additional man cover has been provided, and the coach can change people around at any time and, if necessary, send them off the pitch.
Ya hemos aceptado jugar con ese entrenador, y contamos con él para que haga de su equipo de veinticuatro miembros un equipo fuerte y garantice que al final de temporada subirá de división.