
"to point something out" in Spanish

"to point something out" in Spanish
However, I should like to point something out to Members of the European Parliament.
No obstante, me gustaría señalar algo a sus Señorías.

Context examples for "to point something out" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, I would just like to point something out.
Señor Presidente, se trata de una simple puntualización.
I would like to point something out to the Minister, who has expressed amazement that the debates have been delayed.
Quisiera hacer una indicación al señor Ministro, que ha expresado su sorpresa por el retraso de los debates.
However, it is also extremely important to me to point something out that many people actually take for granted.
Sin embargo, también me parece sumamente importante constatar un aspecto que muchos consideran, de hecho, evidente.
I feel I must point something out: for years now this annual report has been getting more and more like a copy of itself.
¿Quieren realmente la Comisión y el Consejo que el respeto de los derechos humanos fundamentales sea una política adecuada?
I feel I must point something out: for years now this annual report has been getting more and more like a copy of itself.
Creo que he de subrayar una cuestión: durante años este informe anual se ha ido convirtiendo cada vez más en una copia de sí mismo.
This brings us to the end of the round of speakers on behalf of the committees concerned, and I cannot resist the temptation to point something out.
Terminamos así el turno de intervenciones en nombre de las distintas comisiones concernidas y no me resisto a la tentación de comentarles algo.
Mr President, I voted for the motion and I would just like to point something out: in Italy, the Schengen Agreement is not always correctly applied.
Señor Presidente, he votado a favor y, al margen, quiero hacer esta consideración: en Italia no siempre se aplica correctamente el acuerdo de Schengen.
I voted for the Brok report and, as representative of the Delegation to the EU-Bulgaria Joint Parliamentary Committee, I would like to point something out.
He votado a favor del informe Brok y, como representante de la delegación interparlamentaria Unión Europea-Bulgaria, quisiera hacer una puntualización.