
"to be worried" in Spanish

"to be worried" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be worried" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Senegalese fishermen are worried by EU fishing operations in their waters.
Los pescadores senegaleses están preocupados por la pesca de la UE en sus aguas.
As you will have appreciated, we are therefore disappointed and above all worried.
Como habrá notado, estamos por ello decepcionados y sobre todo preocupados.
It is worried about the impact of illegal fish on price in the North of Scotland.
Le preocupan las repercusiones de la pesca ilegal en los precios del norte de Escocia.
I am rather worried that we tend to pay more attention to quantity than quality.
Me preocupa bastante que tendamos a prestar más atención a la cantidad que a la calidad.
My group is worried by the situation in Chechnya, and it does not seem to be improving.
Mi grupo está preocupado por la situación en Chechenia, que no parece mejorar.
We are worried because we know what conditions of detention in Iran are like.
Estamos preocupados porque conocemos las condiciones de detención en Irán.
Consumers are often worried because they do not have accurate information.
A menudo, los consumidores se inquietan por la falta de información precisa.
There are a few aspects of this that I am already getting seriously worried about.
Hay unos pocos aspectos de esta cuestión que ya me preocupan seriamente.
No profits on the back of people who are worried about their weight or health.
No cabe generar beneficios a costa de los ciudadanos preocupados por su peso o su salud.
Personally, I am worried about Turkey’ s failure to respect religious freedom.
Personalmente, me preocupa que Turquía no respete la libertad religiosa.
The Commission is also worried about the outcome of the trial of four dissidents.
La Comisión también está preocupada por el resultado del juicio contra cuatro disidentes.
We are worried about the state of resources and sustainability of fisheries in the area.
Nos preocupa el estado de los recursos y la sostenibilidad de la pesca en esa zona.
Personally, I am worried about Turkey’s failure to respect religious freedom.
Personalmente, me preocupa que Turquía no respete la libertad religiosa.
As for the situation in East Timor, we are also very worried about that.
Respecto a la situación en Timor oriental, también existe una gran inquietud.
The public will accept the euro if it helps resolve the problems they are worried about.
Las ventajas que la moneda única va a suponer para este sector son evidentes.
We are worried by these reports, but I do not want to speculate about what happened.
Nos preocupan esos informes, pero no quiero especular sobre lo ocurrido.
What actually worried me considerably was what Mr Sarkozy said yesterday.
No obstante, lo que de verdad me preocupa mucho es lo que dijo ayer el señor Sarkozy.
They are worried because they cannot subscribe to the Commission's proposals.
Están inquietos porque no pueden aceptar las propuestas de la Comisión.
This is an area of European policy that a lot of citizens are very worried about.
Es un ámbito de la política europea que preocupa a muchos ciudadanos.
There must really be a lot at stake, although I can understand that people are worried.
Realmente debe de haber mucho en juego, y entiendo que exista preocupación.