
"to be distressed" in Spanish

"to be distressed" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be distressed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Madam President, we have all been deeply distressed by the illness of our colleague.
Señora Presidenta, a todos nos ha consternado profundamente la enfermedad de nuestro colega.
Today I am really sad; listening to the speech by Mr Szymański truly distressed me.
Hoy estoy realmente apenada; escuchar la intervención del señor Szymański me ha dolido de verdad.
Last week I visited Mrs Coppin and she is very distressed.
La semana pasada visité a la Sra. Coppin que se encuentra muy afligida.
We have not sent down this Quran to you that you should be distressed;
sino como exhortación para todos los que temen [a Dios]:
We have been distressed to hear it said that certain new Member States are not contributing to integration.
Nos entristece escuchar que algunos Estados miembros no están contribuyendo a la integración.
We have been distressed to hear it said that certain new Member States are not contributing to integration.
También quiero dar las gracias a los diputados de los demás Grupos.
I have spoken to some very distressed people representing parents whose children have been taken away.
He hablado con personas muy afligidas que representaban a padres cuyos hijos habían sido secuestrados.
I feel very distressed at not being able to help them
siento una gran angustia al no poder ayudarlos
You will be distressed, however, that these crazy folk have fallen foul of the law of unintended consequences.
No obstante, les molestará saber que estos locos se han topado con la ley de las consecuencias no intencionadas.
it distressed them exceedingly to realize that …
los angustió sobremanera darse cuenta de que …
we were so distressed, he was in such pain
estábamos tan angustiados, estaba sufriendo tanto
Deeply distressed as he was by the sight of the dead on the battle fields, Saint Francis crossed the frontlines.
Profundamente alterado por la visión de los muertos en los campos de batalla, san Francisco cruzó la línea del frente.
People who visit them with their eyes open will see animals who are distressed and demented within their confined enclosures.
Las personas que los visiten con sus ojos bien abiertos verán animales afligidos y dementes dentro de sus reducidas jaulas.
it distressed me to see him so sad
me angustiaba verlo tan triste
Madam President, I am more distressed to have to disagree with Mrs Roth-Behrendt than she is to have to disagree with Mr von Wogau.
Señora Presidenta, me aflige más tener que discrepar de la Sra. Roth-Behrendt que a ella tener que discrepar del Sr. von Wogau.
they are distressed gentlefolk
es gente bien venida a menos
We are distressed and appalled by violence against women, prostitution, trafficking in women and people-trafficking in general.
Nos angustia y nos indigna la violencia contra las mujeres, la prostitución, la trata de mujeres y el tráfico de seres humanos en general.
To this end, it is necessary to address the root of the crisis and to remove distressed assets and clean up balance sheets.
Con este fin, es necesario abordar el origen de la crisis, eliminar todas las acciones en peligro y hacer una limpieza de las hojas de balance.
to be in distressed circumstances
pasar estrecheces
Both these organizations are deeply distressed that the Belgian Government report contains malicious lies about their operation.
A ambas organizaciones les ha apenado profundamente el hecho de que el informe del Gobierno belga contenga mentiras maliciosas sobre sus actividades.