
"to advise against" in Spanish

"to advise against" in Spanish
I would really advise against adopting these amendments in the strongest terms.
Quisiera desaconsejar la adopción de este punto con toda sinceridad.
As an Austrian, I would like to advise against the Germany-bashing that has been taking place here.
Como austríaco, querría desaconsejar los ataques que aquí se han estado lanzando contra Alemania.
I would, however, advise against urgent procedure.
No obstante, desaconsejaría recurrir al procedimiento de urgencia.

Similar translations for "to advise against" in Spanish
Context examples for "to advise against" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I can only advise against introducing it through the European bodies.
Solo puedo advertir contra su introducción a través de los organismos europeos.
We would then cross a line which we would certainly advise against approaching.
Supondría cruzar un límite que, a nuestro parecer, desde luego no deberíamos rozar siquiera.
Just like the consumer organisations, I would advise strongly against this.
Al igual que las organizaciones de consumidores, yo aconsejo rotundamente oponerse a esto
I would, however, advise against creating a new authority to deal with these questions.
Sin embargo, mi consejo es que no se cree una nueva autoridad para abordar estas cuestiones.
For these reasons, I would advise against these amendments.
Por esos motivos, yo recomendaría que se rechacen esas enmiendas.
For this reason, I would advise against equating ‘ Iran’ and ‘ Islam’.
Por esta razón aconsejo no equiparar« Irán» e« islam».
For this reason, I would advise against equating ‘Iran’ and ‘Islam’.
Por esta razón aconsejo no equiparar «Irán» e «islam».
Or rather, I would like to advise against nearly all of them.
Mejor dicho, me gustaría desaconsejarlas todas.
We would in any case advise you to vote against.
En todo caso, queríamos aconsejarle que votara en contra.
I would advise against any such discussion.
Quisiera prevenirles ante cualquier discusión de ese tipo.
I most strongly advise against that course.
Presidente, hago de nuevo un llamamiento urgente al grupo parlamentario socialista para que no lo hagan.
I would like to advise you against this.
Me gustaría aconsejarles que le presten más atención.
On the other hand, they advise against military intervention as they know they would be the object of Saddam's revenge.
Sin embargo, no aconsejan una intervención militar ya que saben que son ellos los que sufrirán la venganza de Saddam.
I would like to advise against this, because it will turn phasing-out into sleeping-out, which the Council cannot afford.
Me gustaría aconsejarles lo contrario, porque convertirá el "phasing-out" en "sleeping-out", lo que el Consejo no puede permitirse.
I urgently advise against us interfering there, as this is more of an opportunity for the two states to talk and act in a neighbourly fashion.
La otra pregunta es una cuestión muy complicada relacionada con los conflictos internos que existen en Hungría.
I would like to advise you against this.
No se lo recomiendo.
I urgently advise against us interfering there, as this is more of an opportunity for the two states to talk and act in a neighbourly fashion.
Recomiendo encarecidamente que no se interfiera en estas conversaciones, puesto que es una oportunidad para que dos Estados hablen y actúen como buenos vecinos.
Otherwise, I am certain that she would have told you that the meeting of coordinators last night decided to advise against urgent procedure.
Randzio-Plath hubiera contado, sin duda, que la reunión de coordinadores celebrada ayer por la tarde decidió emitir un dictamen contrario al procedimiento de urgencia.
I would advise against attempting to rank them in order; the fact that Poland has ten such areas does not mean that Poland is worse than others.
No les recomiendo que traten de establecer un orden; el hecho de que Polonia tenga diez de esos sectores no significa que su situación sea peor que la de los otros.
I must, however, advise against suggestions that we should discuss whether we can add another couple of billions to the amount set out in the ten packages.
No obstante, y pese a las sugerencias recibidas, mi consejo es que no debatamos la posibilidad de añadir otros dos miles de millones al importe fijado en los diez paquetes.