
"way station" in Spanish

"way station" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "way station":
Context examples for "way station" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the town has become a way station for drug dealers
la ciudad se ha convertido en parada obligada para los traficantes de droga
some tourists asked me the way to the station
unos turistas me preguntaron cómo se llegaba a la estación
could you show me the way to the station?
¿me podría indicar cómo se llega a la estación?
it is on the way to the station
está de camino a la estación
As you mentioned, however, it is about the fact that French authorities have removed a sign in the Basque language which points the way to a railway station.
Sin embargo, tal y como ha mencionado usted, se trata del hecho de que las autoridades francesas han retirado un letrero en vascuence que indica el camino hacia una estación de ferrocarril.