
"tumbo" in English

to down[downed · downed] {v.t.} (knock down)
Ha habido que tumbar las presas porque el delta del Danubio, que es propenso a las inundaciones, estaba prácticamente seco.
The dams had to be knocked down because the Danube delta, which is prone to flooding, had virtually dried up.
deben unirse para tumbar al gobierno
they must unite to bring down the government
me voy a tumbar un rato
I'm going to lie down for a while
tumbar(also: tirar)
to get down {vb} (tackle, bring down)
to poleax {v.t.} (fell)
to poleaxe {v.t.} [Brit.] (fell)
to upend[upended · upended] {v.t.} [coll.] (knock down)
to deck[decked · decked] {v.t.} [Amer.] [coll.] (knock down)
to drop[dropped · dropped] {v.t.} [coll.] (knock down)
tumbar[tumbando · tumbado] {transitive verb}
me voy a tumbar un rato
I'm going to lie down for a while
me voy a tumbar un rato
I'm going to have a lie-down
Son atados en corto, imposibilitando que se tumben, que descansen, no pueden hacer prácticamente nada, se patean entre ellos hasta morir.
They are close- tethered, they cannot lie down, they cannot make themselves comfortable, they can do nothing, and they trample each other to death.
to bump off {vb} [coll.]
Aunque mañana esta Cámara la tumbe, lo que conseguiremos es una nueva serie de nombramientos políticos, y seguirá pareciéndose a un asilo para políticos nacionales fracasados.
Even if tomorrow this House kicks it out, what we will get is a new set of political appointees, and it will still continue to look like a rest home for failed domestic politicians.

Context examples for "tumbo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tumbó a su contrincante de un solo golpe
he flattened his opponent with a single blow
lo tumbó al suelo de un golpe
he hit him and knocked him to the floor
lo tumbó al suelo de un golpe
he punched him to the floor
lo tumbó de un golpe
he sent him sprawling with one punch
lo tumbó de un golpe
he stretched him out with one blow
lo tumbó de un golpe
he knocked him down with one blow
se tumbó en la arena
she laid herself down on the sand
tumbó la puerta de una patada
he kicked the door down
el golpe lo tumbó
the punch prostrated him
me tumbó las vueltas
he shortchanged me