
"soporte lógico" in English

"soporte lógico" in English
soporte lógico{masculine}
Tras haber obtenido una cuota de alrededor del 80 % del mercado en ese tipo de soporte lógico, Microsoft disfruta de un dominio incontestable en el sector.
Having secured around 80 % of the market in this sort of software, Microsoft enjoys an unrivalled domination in the sector.
Se considera productos de doble uso a los productos que pueden utilizarse para fines tanto civiles como militares, incluidos el soporte lógico (software) y la tecnología.
Products, including software and technologies, that can be used for both civil and military purposes are considered dual-use technology products.

Context examples for "soporte lógico" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Material de microinformática, de redes de área local, grandes ordenadores y sus periféricos; el soporte lógico comercial y los servicios de soporte técnico.
LAN microcomputing material, large computers and their peripherals, the commercial logical support and technical support services.